Được gửi bởi
Đây là code lấy thông tin về width + height của JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG nhưng viết bằng VB chuyển qua pascal hay gì gì chắc cũng chẳng khó đâu.
Public Type ImgDimType
height As Long
width As Long
End Type
Public Function getImgDim(ByVal fileName As String, _
Ext As String) As ImgDimType
'fileName is a string containing the path name of the image file.
'ImgDim is passed as an empty type var and contains the height
'and width that's passed back.
'Ext is passed as an empty string and contains the image type
'as a 3 letter description that's passed back.
'True if the function was successful.
'declare vars
Dim handle As Integer, isValidImage As Boolean
Dim byteArr(255) As Byte, i As Integer
'init vars
isValidImage = False
ImgDim.height = 0
ImgDim.width = 0
'open file and get 256 byte chunk
handle = FreeFile
On Error GoTo endFunction
Open fileName For Binary Access Read As #handle
Get handle, , byteArr
Close #handle
'check for jpg header (SOI): &HFF and &HD8
' contained in first 2 bytes
If byteArr(0) = &HFF And byteArr(1) = &HD8 Then
isValidImage = True
GoTo checkGIF
End If
'check for SOF marker: &HFF and &HC0 TO &HCF
For i = 0 To 255
If byteArr(i) = &HFF And byteArr(i + 1) >= &HC0 _
And byteArr(i + 1) <= &HCF Then
ImgDim.height = byteArr(i + 5) * 256 + byteArr(i + 6)
ImgDim.width = byteArr(i + 7) * 256 + byteArr(i + 8)
Exit For
End If
Next i
'get image type and exit
Ext = "jpg"
GoTo endFunction
'check for GIF header
If byteArr(0) = &H47 And byteArr(1) = &H49 And byteArr(2) = &H46 _
And byteArr(3) = &H38 Then
ImgDim.width = byteArr(7) * 256 + byteArr(6)
ImgDim.height = byteArr(9) * 256 + byteArr(8)
isValidImage = True
GoTo checkBMP
End If
'get image type and exit
Ext = "gif"
GoTo endFunction
'check for BMP header
If byteArr(0) = 66 And byteArr(1) = 77 Then
isValidImage = True
GoTo checkPNG
End If
'get record type info
If byteArr(14) = 40 Then
'get width and height of BMP
ImgDim.width = byteArr(21) * 256 ^ 3 + byteArr(20) * 256 ^ 2 _
+ byteArr(19) * 256 + byteArr(18)
ImgDim.height = byteArr(25) * 256 ^ 3 + byteArr(24) * 256 ^ 2 _
+ byteArr(23) * 256 + byteArr(22)
'another kind of BMP
ElseIf byteArr(17) = 12 Then
'get width and height of BMP
ImgDim.width = byteArr(19) * 256 + byteArr(18)
ImgDim.height = byteArr(21) * 256 + byteArr(20)
End If
'get image type and exit
Ext = "bmp"
GoTo endFunction
'check for PNG header
If byteArr(0) = &H89 And byteArr(1) = &H50 And byteArr(2) = &H4E _
And byteArr(3) = &H47 Then
ImgDim.width = byteArr(18) * 256 + byteArr(19)
ImgDim.height = byteArr(22) * 256 + byteArr(23)
isValidImage = True
GoTo endFunction
End If
Ext = "png"
'return function's success status
getImgDim = isValidImage
End Function