
Angeliux shows:
Time, Date, free memory, CPU utilization, running Applications
day info
two extra time zones

Angeliux features:
configurable stay-on-top position on screen
email checker (25 accounts) check interval from one minute
telnet (TCP raw connection) with one line batch sending
TCP server, configurable listenning port
calculator with tape
true 32bit base conversion (bin - dec - hex)
full ASCII table
plays multimedia files and audio CDs
execute applications
define the menus
view calendar with names and holidays
control Windows and the computer (Shut Down, Reboot, Log Off user...)
show application windows and tasks, sets window transparency
kill/change priority of a process (hide/show/disable/terminate window...)
show and preview installed fonts
when starting windows run applications
copy, rename, move, delete files and directories...
save your memos...
provide a simple system info
more than 300 user configurable alarms (up to one year)
time limitation
change some hidden MS Windows settings
free up unused RAM
adjustment of hidden Windows settings
enable create hidden tasks...

and many more...
