Gmail Tips - the complete collection

Gmail Beta: First Impressions

How I 'Imported' archived email into Gmail
Gmail Tip #1: All About Labels
Gmail Tip #2: 'Check' Your Messages
Gmail Tip #3: How to Maintain 'Notes'
Gmail Tip #4: Formatting Your Name
Gmail Tip #5: The 'Plus' Side of Gmail
Gmail Tip #6: Define a Signature!
Gmail Tip #7: Quickly Addressing a Message
Gmail Tip #8: Working With Lots of Emails
Gmail Tip #9: New Mail Notification!
Gmail Tip #10: Some Tips About Conversations
Gmail Tip #11: Connecting Securely
Gmail Tip #12: 'Archiving' Explained
Gmail Tip #13: Some More About Conversations
Gmail Tip #14: What Happens To Sent Messages?
Gmail Tip #15: New feature - Highlighting on/off!
Gmail Tip #16: New feature - View or Download for attached images
Gmail Tip #17: Advanced Search - View Multiple Labels
Gmail Tip #18: Some Forwarding Idiosyncracies
Gmail Tip #19: Advanced Search - 'Query Words'
Gmail Tip #20: Why some attachments bounce
Gmail Tip #21: 'Official' Features and Bugs Status Page
Gmail Tip #22: Advanced Search - Multi-Labeled and Un-Labeled Messages
Gmail Tip #23: Cleaning Your Contacts
Gmail Tip #24: New feature! Import Contacts
Gmail Tip #25: Find Your Unread Messages
Gmail Tip #26: Creating a Pseudo Address Group!
Gmail Tip #27: Adding Hotmail Contacts to Gmail
Gmail Tip #28: 'Gmail Notifier' released to beta!
Gmail Tip #29: A Small Quirk With Gmail Notify's 'mailto:' Handler


Gmail Tools & Plugins

Plugins and tools to make Gmail easier to use are starting to pop up on the web, here are the ones I've found so far:

* Official Gmail Notifier from Google (beta) - Downloadable Windows application that alerts you when you have new Gmail messages.
* GMNotifier - More configurable notifier based on .NET (Via here)
* Gmail Search Extension - Search your Gmail account from the Firefox search bar
* Gmail Tray - A search box for the Windows taskbar
* Gmail Notifier - Firefox extension, installs an icon on your toolbar that displays the amount of new messages in your inbox (previous post)
* Gmail-to - Associate all mailto: links with Gmail as opposed to Outlook
* Gmail-to Bookmarklet - Compose messages from your Gmail account from any page (previous post)
* Gmailit - Bookmarklet to send the current page you're viewing to someone through Gmail
* GMail Loader (GML) - Cross platform application forwards your existing email to Gmail
* Pop Goes the GMail - Gmail > POP3 converter (obsolete)
* gExodus - Graphical user interface tool allows you to import your emails into your Gmail account.
* gCount - a menu bar item for Mac OS X 10.3 or later that displays the number of unread messages in the inbox (Via Google Blogoscoped)
* GMail, RSS Feeds - .php script to retrieve notifications of new mail through RSS
* Adding Gmail Inbox to your News Reader - Receive new emails in your RSS reader with the Atom feed (Caution: this is not very secure)
* Gmail as online backup system - .php script to back up files to Gmail and retrieve them
* GFile - Easily installed front end script for 'Gmail as online backup system' (Recommended by Evan White)
* Gmail in Opera - Use Gmail with the Opera browser, which currently is unsupported
* PINE Addressbook to Gmail - Export addressbook in CSV format from PINE to Gmail. Via here
* GmailFS - Gmail Filesystem - GmailFS provides a mountable Linux filesystem which uses your Gmail account as its storage medium. (Via
* GMail Drive Shell Extension - Enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your GMail account directly from inside Windows Explorer.
* GSuite - Lets you access and use Gmail from a mini-browser in the system tray
* GmailStatus - Shows the number of unread messages in the Mac OSX menubar
* gmail copy - Command line utility to copy files to and from gmail (Via
* GMailer (libgmailer) - A PHP library/class that helps you accessing/checking/using GMail through PHP scripts. (A blog that uses this to convert Gmail messages into the blog posts)
* Goollery - Uses libgmailer to make a photo gallery from a Gmail account: example (Via
* Gmail icon generator - Create an image of your Gmail address to minimize spam exposure (Via here)
* [PHP] Gmail Invite Sig - Displays your currently remaining Gmail invites in a PNG image (Via
* Gmail Image Viewer (beta) - IE addon that displays image attachments inline
* Gmail Agent API - Open Source extensible foundation for interfacing with Gmail. Written for .NET framework
* GMail API for Java - Allows Java programmer to communicate to GMail (Via comments)
* You've Got Gmail - Gmail Notifier for Trillian Messenger Pro (Via
* Gmail-Mobile - Use Gmail from a WAP enabled device with .php (Via here)
* Gmail Gems - Tips and Tricks to use Gmail more efficiently
* Skin Gmail - Use a custom stylesheet in Firefox to skin Gmail (Via Furl)
* Disable Gmail Ads (Firefox) - Use custom css to remove Gmail ads in Firefox (Via A Welsh View)
* Unread Gmail - Create a label called "Unread", Gmail will automatically add all unread items to it (Via Gmail Wiki)

More Gmail links:
· Google Press Release from April 1
· Gmail Swap
· Gmail Invite Spooler
· Spam My Gmail Account
· Google's Gmail - An in-depth look
· Gmail is too creepy
· California Senate approves anti-Gmail bill
· Google reacts to privacy concerns
· Gmail browser accessibility
· Are Hotmail And Yahoo! Blocking Gmail Invites?
