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  1. #1
    Tham gia
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    Ý tưởng mới ! [DIS] COOL TOPIC : Studying at 2 universities at the same time ?

    What do you think are the advantages and divantages of studying at 2 uni at the same time ?
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  2. #2
    Tham gia
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    Do you agree or disagree ?
    Pls,pls answer me ! THKS

  3. #3
    Tham gia
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    I studied 2 universities at the same time, and only graduated one. I don't know if it's good or bad...

  4. #4
    Tham gia
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    So, can you raise some divantages in studying at 2 uni ... ?

  5. #5
    Tham gia
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    In short, divantages:
    - No times
    - No funds
    - No concentration
    Do you want detail? And for what purposes?

  6. #6
    Tham gia
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    I wanna to know your reasons, that's all

    According to recent statistic, over 12% of Vietnamese students are studying at two or even three colleges (?!) at the same time. People believe that the percentage is increasing... What give rise to this unsurprising trend ? We can raise some pros and cons :

    PROS :
    1. bring you more friends
    2. help to have more chances to prove yourself
    3. make you accessible to more knowledge
    4. help you to utulize your time
    5. train you to work under pressure
    6. help you to manage your time
    7. become more self-confident .........

    CONS :
    1. leave you little time for friends , family, relaxation and entertainment.
    2. cost more money
    3. may do harm to your health
    4. not enable you to have enough time and energy to do well in both universities .....:.(

    (Pros and cons : means "for and against")

    Nowadays, We know someone studying at two places, not two universities.
    EX: in the morning, u studying at U of Politechnic , and in the evening you studying at RMIT, for the 2nd certification...
    And, I also want to study at 2 places, like them

    It's just my little words. How about you, everybody !!!
    Raise your opinion or whatever you think about this ...

  7. #7
    Tham gia
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    Today, over 12% of Vietnamese students manage to study at 2 universities at the same times and the number keeps rising? Oh, duaconthanhpho, that a thing, definetely not good!!! I have 5 years studying at 2 universities, and I have some experiences to proved that with a very little chance could a guy like me achive success at both schools. I will analyze some points you gave out in your post.
    This is your PROS:
    1. bring you more friends
    2. help to have more chances to prove yourself
    3. make you accessible to more knowledge
    4. help you to utulize your time
    5. train you to work under pressure
    6. help you to manage your time
    7. become more self-confident .........
    You know, studying at 2 schools will bring you many friends. But it's really good friends? Due to the times, you will study exactly "a student style". Not have times to play, not have times to chit chat... Just go to school and return. Anybody here who attend to colledge must know that finding friends in university is hard (Vietnamese only). Hard to find a close friend like the time we study in highschool. So more friends, but not more close friends. I study 5 years and only have about 3-4 close friends more, in contrast with many when I study in highschool.
    We will get more chance to prove ourself. That's right. But will we able to prove it, or prove the opposition? It's hard to study good at both schools. I will give the proofs later.
    Make accsessible to more knowledge? Yeah, I agree with this one. But you must study for knowledge, not the degree. More and more student nowadays choose school for famous degree, not knowledge. It you study a school but you're not have abilities to adapt with it, you're dead.
    OK... you give out many reasons, and both seem right. I agree with most of them... But hang on, I will tell you my experiences.
    I studied at Polytechnic Unversity and I managed to get a B.A in University of Socialism and Humanitarian Sciene (was it the right name? Shame on me...). I started studying at both schools at the same time, it's 5 years ago. I must said that Polytechnic is my priority choice, so I'm not concentrated on the other school. During the first and second years, things went on right. At Polytechnic, I achieved Good Rank, and one of the top students in the class at the other schools. But third year was different. After completed the all the basic course in both schools, I started to study some specific subjects. I study Aeronautical in Polytechnic and some Social subject at my 2nd school. At that times, I began felt less and less confident and definetely not compartible with those Social subjects. Subjects like Literature, Poem,... is sucked (at least I think so!!!). I'm a technology man. I think that my choice is wrongfully and began to drop, I fell some subjects and only maintain a 5.0 GPA in USHS. I graduated UT this spring. The final examination in USHS will begin next month, and I will not be able to completed it. It was , you can told me that "5 years and 10mil VNĐ was lost".
    It's bad, but like I said before, it's rather good. Why good? It's because in the first 2 years, I study at USHS for knowledge, and I got it. I could speak English fluently, write smooth letter, and my listening skill is quite well. So, I'm not regret. Pity that I couldn't get the degree (a B.A is good, heh?), but I've got knowledge left.
    I tell some of my friends' experiences to entertain you.
    A friend of mine whose his status very similar to mine (the same 2 schools). He completed his study in USHS (because it's his first choice), but not in Polytechnic (he have about 15 subjects more to completed, and it seem that he will give up). He's now teaching in a Highschool and he's very please with what he's achieved. He told me that: "Polytechnic was my father's choice, not mine!!!".
    Another friends, study both in Foreign Economic Academic and Naval Academic as well, graduated both school with Good Rank, and currently work in Naval Academic. He said that "FEA is good, but I wonder how I use my knowledge in this school?". I have to add that, his father is one of the famous professor in Naval School.
    Another guy, while studying Polytechnic, study in Aptech as well. Now he gave up his study in Polytechnic and set his priority into Aptech. It's good for him, because Infomatics is more suitable for him than a hammer.
    You see, many friends of me, including me studied 2 universities, but only a few could get both achieves. It's good, or bad?
    To conclude, I tell you my thought "When choose schools to study, we should choose school that bring us knowledge, and it's must suitable to our abilites. Don't study more schools for fun, for "modern style", of reason like that... You will waste your times and money if you do that".

  8. #8
    Tham gia
    New York, Vietnam
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    I don' know about you, but I can only concentrate on one thing. When I learn sth I give all of m time to it. I don't think we can get the best result for studying many subjects at the same time.

  9. #9
    Tham gia
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    ya right, zek3evil!!!

  10. #10
    Tham gia
    Sài Gòn
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    Mach2 is right, do not asume to much , that's an advice !

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