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  1. #1
    Tham gia
    Bài viết
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts

    Thong bao moi hap dan day ...

    TV Informatics company chi nhanh cua OMS Co Computer
    Corporation (WWW.OMS-CO.COM ), New York, USA khai
    giang khoa dao tao Lap Trinh Vien quoc te vao ngay 31
    thang 3 nam 2003 tai so 252 Dien Bien Phu, TP HCM:

    A. Thoi gian hoc: 6 thang

    B. Bang cap: chung nhan tot nghiep lap trinh vien quoc
    te certified tai OMS Co Computer Corporation, New
    York, USA

    C. Dieu Kien Ghi Danh:

    - Co bang trung hoc pho thong
    - Co kha nang toan
    - Kha nang Anh Van

    D. Thoi han ghi danh: 15/2/03 den 15/03/03; Thu Hai
    den thu Bay: 8AM - 5PM; Ho so ghi danh gom co:
    - ban sao chung minh nhan dan
    - ban sao bang trung hoc pho thong
    Hoc vien nen ghi danh som vi so cho co gioi han.

    E. Hoc phi:
    955 USD cho tron chuong trinh khoa khai giang ngay
    31/3/03 - 21/9/03. Hoc phi co the tang gap hai lan o
    cac khoa ke tiep.
    Hoc phi co the duoc dong tron mot lan luc ghi danh
    hoac chia lam 3 ky nhu sau:
    - Ky 1 dong 100 USD luc ghi danh
    - Ky 2 dong 1/2 phan con lai truoc 13/6/03
    - ky 3 dong phan con lai truoc 1/9/03
    Hoc vien co diem tot trong ky thi cuoi mon dau
    (13/5/03) duoc giam hoc phi ky 2(Diem A giam 75%;B
    giam 50%) HV co diem tot ky thi cuoi mon thu
    hai(29/6/03) duoc giam hoc phi ky 3 (A giam 75%; B
    giam 50%).
    F. Muc tieu dao tao: duoi su huong dan tan tinh cua
    cac giao vien - lap trinh vien My kinh nghiem tu cac
    cong ty lon nhat the gioi, cong voi cac buoi thuc tap
    voi nhung do an thuc te trong ky nghe duong thoi, sau
    khi tot nghiep, cac lap trinh vien se co kha nang tham
    gia cac do an CNTT o cac lanh vuc ung dung khac nhau
    voi tieu chuan quoc te.

    G. Chuong Trinh hoc: C++, JAVA, VISUAL BASIC, XML,
    ORACLE, UNIX... Ngoai ra, trung tam chung toi se
    thuong xuyen co nhung buoi thuyet trinh (ngoai chuong
    trinh hoc) do cac ky su, lap trinh vien, giam doc ve
    CNTT o My (voi tren 15 nam kinh nghiem tu cac cong ty
    lon nhat o Hoa Ky) dien thuyet voi muc dich chuyen
    giao cong nghe moi nhat va cap nhat den cho hoc vien.
    Nhung buoi thuyet trinh gia tri nay se dem lai cho hoc
    vien cac kien thuc thuc te ve CNTT va cac hoat dong ky
    thuat thuong mai mot cach chinh xac. Ngoai chuong
    trinh chuyen nghiep, trung tam co to chuc sinh hoat
    trao doi toan va Anh ngu vao thu Bay chu Nhat de hoc
    vien hap thu chuong trinh hoc de dang va don duong cho
    su lam viec tai USA

    H. Ban giao vien : trong so giao vien gom co tap doan
    giao vien nguoi My tot nghiep tu dai hoc noi tieng va
    co kinh nghiem lam viec lau nam o cac ky nghe co tam
    voc tai Hoa Ky. Lap trinh vien My hau het da co tren
    12 nam kinh nghiem ve kien truc he thong, kien truc
    phan mem, da tung tham gia viet lap trinh cho cac san
    pham phan mem co cau truc het suc phuc tap tai cac
    cong ty CNTT danh tieng My nhu Sun, Cisco, SITA, AMS,

    I. QUYEN LOI SAU KHI TOT NGHIEP: van phong tim viec
    truc thuoc TV Informatics va van phong tim viec truc
    thuoc OMS Co Corporation, New York, USA se huong dan
    hoc vien tot nghiep co co hoi duoc phong van cho hang
    ngan vi tri lap trinh vien tai cac ky nghe trong va
    ngoai nuoc, dac biet la USA (van phong cung se giup do
    ve thu tuc Visa xuat canh lam viec tai Hoa Ky). Ngoai
    ra, cong ty me, OMS Co Computer Corporation, New York,
    . Tuyen nhan top 5% cua tong so lap trinh vien tot
    nghiep de lap thu tuc Visa xuat canh lam viec tai Hoa
    Ky (lap trinh vien duoc tuyen se duoc tai tro cuoc phi
    xuat canh di chuyen va bao dam noi cu ngu tai Hoa Ky
    trong thoi gian hop dong lam viec)
    . Tuyen nhan 25% cua tong so lap trinh vien tot nghiep
    de lam viec tai chi nhanh o Viet Nam, bo tuc Anh ngu
    trong khi cho doi xuat canh lam viec tai USA.

    . Nhan tat ca hoc vien tot nghiep diem C tro len
    (Thang diem gom co: A(gioi), B(kha), C(trung binh),
    D(kem), F(rot)) de tham gia lam viec cho cac do an o
    cac chi nhanh phan mem cua OMS Co Computer Corporation
    tai Viet Nam cho den khi tiep nhan mot vi tri thich
    ung do su giup do gioi thieu tu van phong tim viec
    thuoc trung tam va OMS co Computer Corp o My.

    Neu muon duoc thong bao them chi tiet ve trung tam dao
    tao lap trinh vien quoc te truc thuoc TV Informatics
    Company, yeu cau ban vieng tham 252 Dien Bien Phu,
    Q3, TP Ho Chi Minh, hoac email den INFO@OMS-CO.COM,
    hoac dien thoai 84(8)9326954; 84(8)9327717

    ************************************************** ***

    Lien he ve viec lam, yeu cau nop don xin viec/resume
    tai 252 Dien Bien Phu, Q3, TP HCM, 8AM den 5PM thu Hai
    den thu Bay, hoac email den HR@OMS-CO.COM
    Vi so HV ghi danh qua dong, can tuyen gap 20 nu thu ky
    cho phong ghi danh.

    ************************************************** *****


    The Vertical Integration Processes of SITA Network

    by Mr. Michael Deiulio
    System Integration Department
    Societe Internationale de
    Telecommunications Areonautiques Inc. (SITA)

    Sunday, July 6th, 2003
    Location: IT Professional
    Training Center
    TV Informatics Co
    252 Dien Bien Phu
    Q.3, Ho Chi Minh cty
    Admissions: 175 USD; Free
    admissions for
    students from IT
    Professional Training

    9:00am - 12:30pm

    Abstract: Work on integration has been major issues
    for companies for years. From a basic trouble shooting
    job on security to the type compability, integrating
    systems requires great efforts and team work to
    achieve the sytem stability. With details of
    guiding traffic packets through Network Analyzers,
    IPSec, VPN, together with ediating software codes
    through CORBA, Java Architecture, System Management
    Architecture, the talk will walk with audience through
    the actual experience of the state-of-the-art of sytem
    integration at SITA Network.

    Profile: Mr. Deiulio has worked in the field of
    software development and technologies about seventeen
    years. He had developed many software products using
    C++, Java, and also participated projects in System
    Integration. He has been as System Integration Manager
    since 1990 with SITA, a world largest
    Telecommunication Service firm. Mr. Deiulio holds a
    Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from
    State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA.



    Software, Internet Technologies, Research and Hi-Tech
    future directions

    by Professor Hoa Tran
    Department of Computer Science
    & Applied Mathematics
    New York University

    Sunday, July 27th, 2003
    Location: IT Professional
    Training Center
    TV Informatics Co
    252 Dien Bien Phu
    Q.3, HCM city
    9:00am - 12:30pm
    Admissions: 175 USD;
    Free admissions for
    students from IT
    Professional Training

    Abstract: For five decades of development, from IBM
    time to Sun, Microsoft, advances in software and
    computer languages had gained their maturity in
    the field. Java Enterprise Architecture, .Net
    Framework, together with application web servers have
    created a unique picture for nowaday world advanced
    technologies. Internet Technologies, composing with
    the software architecture, have presented to the world
    the essential tools for everyday life through
    E-Commerce, Web-based Software, Supply & Chain
    Software, Security Software. Research and advances in
    Hi-Tech are backbones contributing to the history of
    the development of software and its languages. From
    Image Processing, Visualization to Artificial
    Intelligence, Cyberspace, researching in Computer
    Software and its applications should be the must in
    our era. From the basic picture of Object-Oriented
    Design to the advanced
    applications of Network Software Architecture Design
    of actual Micromuse Suite (an actual product), the
    talk will present many concepts and practical work to

    Profile: Professor Tran had spent twenty years of
    teaching, researching and consulting in Universities
    and Hi-Tech companies in the US. He has taught
    and conducted research at New York University on the
    topics of Network Optimizations, Video Communications,
    Internet Software & Technologies,
    Visualization, Computer Graphics and Artificial
    Intelligence. He has also been consulting with many
    Hi-Tech software companies as Real Media Inc.,
    Opus360 Inc., Micromuse Inc. on System Software,
    Enterprise Software, Multimedia and Network Software.
    Dr. Tran earned Bachelors degrees in Computer
    Engineering, Physics and Mathematics from State
    University of New York at Stony Brook, a Master of
    Science degree in Computer Engineering from Boston
    University and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering
    from Columbia University, all in USA.
    Quote Quote

  2. #2
    Tham gia
    Bài viết
    Thanked 67 Times in 9 Posts
    Lại một trung tâm mới đây. Không biết chất lượng thế nào nhỉ ???


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