View Full Version : SpyCop v6

05-05-2005, 07:40
We all want to keep prying eyes away from our private information. SpyCop helps the cause by scouring your system for software that may be tracking your keystrokes. The program detects 181 corporate spying programs (so-called keystroke loggers)--most antivirus and desktop security programs can identify only a fraction of such software.

Unfortunately, the folks at SpyCop aren't too generous with their trial version. Not only will the trial edition skip random files while scanning--in a dubious attempt to encourage you to purchase the full version--but the trial won't let you configure its options, either. As if that weren't enough, the trial will cease functioning after only five days.

We hope a future release of SpyCop will have a more fully functioning demo. In the meantime, the program is still worth trying if you have a hunch that your boss is peeking into your computer habits.

_Name: Phrozen Hell 2002
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