View Full Version : Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

02-05-2005, 22:27
During the early days of computer gaming, Jordan Mechner's Prince of Persia series stood out as one of the real bright lights. Prince of Persia 1 and 2, released in 1989 and 1993 respectively, were both critical and commercial successes. Then in the late 1990s, Red Orb published Prince of Persia 3D, converting a two-dimensional platform title into a full 3D adventure, and everyone - both longtime fans of the series and newcomers - was terribly disappointed. Now Ubisoft has developed and published Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time; can this latest installment return the series to its previous glory?

The story fits right into the tradition of the series. After the Prince steals the Dagger of Time, a sinister Vizier tricks the Prince into opening a magical hourglass, unleashing the Sands of Time on the Sultan's kingdom. The Sands are driven by an primordial need to track down anything that lives and convert it into a horrid sand creature. Your mission, playing the role of the Prince, is to find a way to rectify this terrible predicament and defeat evil, a task that will take all the ingenuity you have. The plot is excellent and engrossing, and you just cannot help but get wrapped up in it.

09-05-2005, 20:48
Bác ơi, link chứa cráck bị die rùi? Up lại dùm em nha.



09-05-2005, 21:01
hic ddth.com không cho tạo newthread nên post vây thôi biế sao giờ
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11-05-2005, 17:35
Trùi ui, bác Petit ui, up lại hộ em cái link cho cráck cái, em đã try đủ các kiểu rùi nhưng mà hổng down được, chỉ được cái installation thôi, đến khi nó hỏi ****** thì chịu thua.
