View Full Version : Mozilla and Mozilla Sunbird update...

13-01-2005, 18:13
Sunbird Project is a redesign of the Mozilla Calendar component. The goal is to produce a cross platform standalone calendar application based on Mozilla's XUL user interface language. The intended user is someone who uses Mozilla Firefox (or another browser) as his browser, Mozilla Thunderbird (or another mail client) as his mail client and wants a calendar application based on Mozilla...

Mozilla is an open-source Web browser, designed for standards compliance, performance and portability. Mozilla is a cousin to Netscape Communicator that is being developed by the Free Software Community with the cooperation and support of Netscape.

Mozilla for Windows 1.8 Alpha 6

Mozilla for Mac OS X 1.8 Alpha 6

Mozilla for Linux 1.8 Alpha 6

Mozilla Sunbird for Windows 0.2 RC2

Mozilla Sunbird for Mac OS X 0.2 RC2

Mozilla Sunbird for Linux 0.2 RC2