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05-04-2011, 16:29

Adobe AfterEffect Cs3 | 523 MB

Bring your vision to life, with the top visual effects and compelling motion graphics in Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional. Work with sophisticated tools and enjoy tight integration with the applications of Adobe's leading design while providing excellent quality to any form of medium. Designed in the form of scratch or jump-start projects from hundreds of statistics and customizable templates - all is right in one intuitive interface.

The top new features:

-The tool architecture and animation breakthrough: Create impressive communications products by combining animation, still images and graphics, text, and sound in 2D or 3D space and then create the effect animation for each element.
-Ability to integrate incomparable: Enjoy fast processing capability with support includes Adobe Photoshop images and graphics layers in Adobe Illustrator to maintain image integrity. Move easily between After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 or Encore CS3, and share animations easily with Adobe Flash CS3 Professional software.
-Create text and vector graphics: Create text and vector graphics in After Effects using familiar Adobe tools, then the dynamic of these elements to create the new graphic effects.
-The number of great visual effects: Tweak dynamic and static images using hundreds of effects such as stylize, distort, and shatter. Create grids, radio waves, 3D elements, movies, fractal noise.
-The time-saving tools: Create projects quickly with the set of parameters and actions intended to create the usual factors, such as importing and exporting animated text, creating the wallpaper, and more . Use new Brainstorm to quickly experiment and refine designs using parameters set. Learn fast with Tool Tips and training resources in the program and on the web, the optimal review process with Adobe Clip Notes to create and import comments.
Tools and key-mask comprehensive control portion of a layer can be seen through import loss, refining mask. The option to automatically track and flexible for easy mask RotoBezier get accurate results.
-The ability to control powerful motion: Create graphics and text using the Puppet tool. Apply motion blur to create more realistic animations, or use Timewarp to slow down or speed up images. Exactly synchronized motion of the source image using Motion Tracker, and view a scene at rest using Motion Stabilizer.
-Performance Improvement: Improving the power of computer processors to accelerate graphics and multi-core and buffer drive features so you do not have to wait longer and have more time to creativity. Allocation of rendering the network for optimal performance.
-The professional results for all types of vehicles: Compatibility with multiple output formats lets you produce animated content for any medium, from the web and mobile devices to film and television. In addition, After Effects CS3 Professional introduces color management tools make the process more predictable color standards and preserve color fidelity.
True-color: Use standard color management tools with optimization for the film and video processing.

Link download..: (*********)

part 1: http://www.*********.com/file/xtvauBh
part 2: http://www.*********.com/file/xx7E7QV
part 3: http://www.*********.com/file/WyvqS4t
part 4: http://www.*********.com/file/dRzDsve
part 5: http://www.*********.com/file/XzNAyB3

pass: www.*********.com

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Twick-link download:
part 1:http://www.*********.com/file/Dxn7jTK
part 2:http://www.*********.com/file/KKmk7jr
part 3:http://www.*********.com/file/vpfk52E
part 4:http://www.*********.com/file/SDAPkhG

phần này k cần pass đâu nghen...

27-04-2011, 19:36
bạn xem lại link giùm mình cái, nó thế này thì download làm sao được?
part 1: http://www.*********.com/file/xtvauBh
part 2: http://www.*********.com/file/xx7E7QV
part 3: http://www.*********.com/file/WyvqS4t
part 4: http://www.*********.com/file/dRzDsve
part 5: http://www.*********.com/file/XzNAyB3