View Full Version : Chay Crystal report tren may khong cai CR

16-10-2004, 18:23
Tui thu tao 1 project voi vb.net va CR do tao file setup co kem tat ca cac dll cua CR. Khi mang sang may khac cai vao khi chay report no bao la file keycode32.dll khong hieu duoc mac du toi da import vao khi tao setup.
Vay huynh nao da lam CR chay duoc xin chi toi voi.

18-10-2004, 08:40
Đã có bài trả lời về vấn đề này, bạn hãy chịu khó tìm lại những post trước đây.

22-10-2004, 14:01
Open your Windows application.
In the Solution Explorer, right-click your Windows application solution, point to Add then click New Project.
In the Add New Project dialog box, select Setup and Deployment Projects in the Project Types pane and select Setup Project in the Templates pane. Click OK.
In the Solution Explorer, right-click the Setup Project, point to Add then click Project Output.
In the Add Project Output Group, select Primary output and click OK. Any dependencies, such as the Managed.msm, are added automatically.

In the Solution Explorer, right-click the Setup Project, point to Add then click Merge Module.
In the Add Modules dialog box, select the following merge modules to add to your Setup project and click Open:

For a description of these merge modules see Crystal Reports Merge Modules.
Note If you deploy a Windows application that uses an ADO .NET dataset, you also need to include the VC_CRT and VC_STL merge modules.
In the Solution Explorer, right-click the regwiz.msm file and choose Properties.
In the Properties window, expand MergeModuleProperties and enter a valid license key in the License Key properties box.
Note Providing the license key is a mandatory step whenever you deploy a Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET application.
A license key will be given to you once you have registered Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET. You can find the license key in the About dialog box. From the Help menu, choose About Microsoft Development Environment. The keycode is listed in the Installed Products field.

From the Build menu, choose Build Solution to build your application. When deploying to a client or server computer