View Full Version : Từ điển tổng hợp Anh-Nga-Pháp-Đức-Việt version 1.0 cho Windows,Linux-JMultiDictionary

11-10-2004, 00:34
Từ điển này được viết bằng Java chạy trên mọi platform cài JRE.

Hiện tại bao gồm:
Anh - Việt.
Việt - Anh.
Anh - Anh.
Việt - Việt.
Nga - Việt.
Việt - Nga.
Pháp - Việt.
Việt - Pháp.
Đức - Việt.
Việt - Đức.
Từ điển máy tính.

Tải JRE tại : http://java.sun.com
Tải từ điển tại: http://huybien.vze.com


To Run this program you need to install JRE (Java Runtime Enviroment).
You can download JRE at: http://java.sun.com.
Download and Unzip file JMultiDictionary.zip to a folder.


Before running program you need to open files runWin.bat or runLinux.bat and chang these files to:
path_to_file_java JMultiDictionary
(See file runWin.bat and runLinux.bat for more information)

* For Windows (Has been tested in Windows XP, Windows Server 2003):
(Assume that you install JRE at folder: C:\Program Files\j2sdk1.4.2_03)
To run it you can simple double click on file runWin.bat

* For Linux (Has been tested in Redhat 9):
(Assume that you copy JMultiDicionary's files to directory "/root/JMultiDictionary")
You need to set chmod 777 for file runLinux.bat
To run program please double click on file runLinux.bat

* You can run program at command line:
Change your CURRENT DIRECTORY to the directory's JMultiDictionary
Run command "path_to_file_java JMultiDictionary"

Because of small host in file JMultiDictionary.zip I included only English-Vietnamess database.
You can download other databases in internet (standart protocol DICT, visit: http://dict.org for more information) to use with JMultiDictionary. Simple copy them to folder data and change their names to:

anhviet.dict, anhviet.index <-> English-Vietnamese Dictionary.
vietanh.dict, vietanh.index <-> Vietnamese-English Dictionary.
anhanh.dict, anhanh.index <-> English-English Dictionary.
vietviet.dict, vietviet.index <-> Vietnamese-Vietnamese Dictionary.
computer.dict, computer.index <-> Computer Dictionary.

ngaviet.dict, ngaviet.index <-> Russian-Vietnamese Dictionary.
anhnga.dict, anhnga.index <-> English-Russian Dictionary.

phapviet.dict, phapviet.index <-> Vietnamese-Russian Dictionary.
vietphap.dict, vietphap.index <-> French-Vietnamese Dictionary.

ducviet.dict, ducviet.index <-> German-Vietnamese Dictionary.
vietduc.dict, vietduc.index <-> Vietnam-German Dictionary.

See Menu Dictionaries of JMultiDictionary for more information.