View Full Version : [Q] Firework, ai co' kho^ng cho em xin

28-10-2002, 02:46
ai có thuật toán hay source code (=VB là tốt nhất hoặc nếu ko = C hay pascal cũng được) về firework (pháo hoa ý) cho em xin với.

01-11-2002, 00:53
helppp đi mà :((

01-11-2002, 07:27
thử xem nhé:

Private Sub Form_Load()
'logical initialization
Randomize Timer

Form1.BackColor = vbBlack

Form1.AutoRedraw = False


Const pi = 3.14159265358979
Const fragments = 40

'explosion fragment variables
Dim fragx(1 To fragments) As Integer
Dim fragy(1 To fragments) As Integer
Dim prevx(1 To fragments) As Integer 'these are to remember the previous coordinates, so
Dim prevy(1 To fragments) As Integer 'the line connects to the previous point
Dim fragangle(1 To fragments) As Single
Dim fragpower(1 To fragments) As Integer
Dim fragcolorR(1 To fragments) As Integer 'using the RGB color
Dim fragcolorG(1 To fragments) As Integer 'system, best use this
Dim fragcolorB(1 To fragments) As Integer 'with 32-bit color

'loop-variables, nothing but that
Dim loopvar As Integer, loopvar2 As Integer

Dim size As Single
Dim timeloop As Long

'launching part
x = Form1.Width / 2 'set staring-point
y = Form1.Height'mid-under In form
xplus = Rnd * 150 - 75 'randomize forces
yplus = Rnd * 50 - 200 'horizontal, vertical

For loopvar = 1 To 70 '70 frames for launch
Line (x, y)-(x + xplus, y + yplus), vbBlack 'overpaint old line
xplus = xplus / 1.01 'weaken sideway-power
yplus = yplus + 3 'gravity effect
x = x + xplus 'change coordinates using forces
y = y + yplus
Line (x, y)-(x + xplus, y + yplus), vbYellow 'new line
'now a short break, change this is you h
' ave a slower system

For timeloop = 1 To 200000: Next timeloop
Next loopvar
size = Rnd * 2 'randomize a force for the complete explosion,
'to get smaller and larger explosions

'initialize all fragments, with a lot of
' randomizations

For loopvar = 1 To fragments

fragx(loopvar) = x
fragy(loopvar) = y
fragpower(loopvar) = 40 + (Rnd * 80) * size
fragangle(loopvar) = Rnd * (2 * pi)
fragcolorR(loopvar) = Rnd * 256
fragcolorG(loopvar) = Rnd * 256
fragcolorB(loopvar) = Rnd * 256
Next loopvar
'exploding part

For loopvar2 = 1 To 20 'the explosion exists of 20 frames

For loopvar = 1 To fragments 'go through all fragments

DoEvents 'make sure system remains accessible
prevx(loopvar) = fragx(loopvar) 'save old coordinates For connecting
prevy(loopvar) = fragy(loopvar) 'current point To previous point
'now calculate the new coordintes using
' the angle
fragx(loopvar) = fragx(loopvar) + _
Sin(fragangle(loopvar)) * fragpower(loopvar)
fragy(loopvar) = fragy(loopvar) - _
Cos(fragangle(loopvar)) * fragpower(loopvar)
'lower power for explosion effect
If fragpower(loopvar) > 15 Then _
fragpower(loopvar) = fragpower(loopvar) / 1.1
'now change the angle so the fragments f
' all down
'when the fragment is pointed down, angl
' e = pi
If fragangle(loopvar) > pi Then _
fragangle(loopvar) = fragangle(loopvar) - _
(fragangle(loopvar) - pi) / 10
If fragangle(loopvar) < pi Then _
fragangle(loopvar) = fragangle(loopvar) + _
(pi - fragangle(loopvar)) / 10

'lower Red, Green and Blue values, so th
' e colors get darker
fragcolorR(loopvar) = fragcolorR(loopvar) / 1.12
fragcolorG(loopvar) = fragcolorG(loopvar) / 1.12
fragcolorB(loopvar) = fragcolorB(loopvar) / 1.12

Form1.Line (fragx(loopvar), fragy(loopvar))- _
(prevx(loopvar), prevy(loopvar)), _
RGB(fragcolorR(loopvar), _
fragcolorG(loopvar), _
Next loopvar
Next loopvar2
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
'for some reason the program won't end w
' hen clicking the upper-right
'cross, but this fixes that
End Sub

23-05-2009, 13:29
mình cũng đang cần code làm firework nhưng là code C++.Mong các pro hay mod giúp dùm hen