View Full Version : lam cach nao de tao giao tiep tren trang web

02-09-2004, 11:53
Hien em dang thiet ke trang web bang frontpage,em chi la dan amateur nen em ko biet gi ve lenh ca,chi dung nhung ung dung co san cua phan mem ma thoi.Em dang gap kho khan trong van de tao giao tiep truc tiep tren trang web,vd muon tao mot muc "guibai" de moi nguoi co the gui bai truoc tiep den dia chi mail cua minh,hoac gui truc tiep den mot vi tri dinh truoc tren trang web,em da thu su dung cong cu co san cua frontpage,khi up len mang thu thi nhan duoc thong bao :
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xin hoi em fai lam nhu the nao?