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06-05-2004, 00:12
What would you do to achieve your girlfriends/ boyfriends/ parents' affection ?

06-05-2004, 17:16
Errm, first you gotta know what kind of people they are, and act accordingly. But don't try too hard, if it means you have to bend out of shape to please them, don't! Because if you do, not only you're trying to be someone you're not, but you're also hurting your self-esteem. Not to mention you won't be too happy ^^;

06-05-2004, 18:40
What the hell is affection ?

I don't have to answer that question :D, don't need to lah, heheh. Just play it cool, when things come, things come. hehe

09-05-2004, 04:16
I thank 2 friends,Baylenthesky & yuna_admirer very much for 2 friends' ideas

09-05-2004, 07:38
???? i really dont understand what ninasusu said ! anyone here who understand, please tell me what he meant ?

09-05-2004, 07:42
To please your girlfriend, try to discover things she likes and look for ways to get them for her. Be open-handed

09-05-2004, 10:17
"lah lah....." is this singaporean'word ..yuna_vandermayer....hi`hi`i am wrong yuna_adminer ....