View Full Version : Mình cần giúp đỡ gấp về Database đây...Có ai giúp mình SOS....

11-04-2004, 16:41
Mình hơi bị hoán gà về cái phần Database này...Phiền các bạn chỉ giúp mình một tay...

****Ltd is a rapidly expanding company. the number of computer and related equipment has đouble over the last two years

Currently software upgrade, new software and new equipment request are done as follow:

Employee fill in.
The employee keeps a copy of the request
A copy is sent to Computer Service Department(CSD)
A technician is assigned Upgrade/Change Equipment Request by CSD

The manager of CSD has decied that a database wouold be a more efficient way of handling the increasing workload on his satff

Interview Summary

The organisation has many departments
Department has many pieces of equipent
Equiment is assigned to only one department
Computer Service Management(CSD) needs to know what department the equiment has been in and when
Equipment is assigned one location
An Upgrade/Change Equipment Request can refer to more than and one piece of equipment
CSD staff can work on many Upgrade/Change Equipmentbut are restrict no more than 20 outstanding request at any one time
An Upgrade?change Equipment is assigned to only one staff member.
A priority is assigned to an Upgrade/change Equipment based on CSD Priority Guidelines Document
A piece of equipment can have more than one Upgrade?change Equipment
E is iđentifie by asset number and uses the following format when, where...is the number of that piece of equipment
There are 5 department: Sales, Finance, Marketing, Computer Service and Technician

Bạn nào vui lòng bỏ chút thời gian giúp mình list tất cả entities và sắp xếp your selection of entities. One moew thing, nếu có thể, vẽ giúp mình cái ER diagram dựa vào những tài liệu trên.

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