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30-03-2004, 22:01

* Cleans drives from files left aside and unused.
* Cleans system registry from uninstalled software junks
* Safe uninstall of selected software from your system.
* All modifications and cleaning may be restored at a later time, if security button is checked.
* Cleans computer memory from unnecessary data enabling your programs run faster
* Speeds up and optimizes internet connection settings.
Terminates unwanted multiple selected processes
Application removal from start-up list
* Cleans internet cookies, caches
* Increases system performance
* Advanced tasks can be applied to tune-up your system in simple usage.
* More than 10 advanced system optimization tasks so-called "OpTasks" can be applied to optimize the system. They are intelligent because first, your windows system is determined automatically and then only relevant tasks to your operating system will be displayed.
* Has ability to clean clipboard to increase memory space
* Auto-detects low memory in the system and boosts performance by refreshing memory space.
* Auto-runs at start-up, and surveys your system.
* Increases free disk space
* Shows Graphical System Information (CPU/Drives/Memory)
* Shows graphical pie chart representation of folder usage and accessing all subfolders information via mouse click.
* Shows free memory space above taskbar in specified intervals.


Register:Name:OSCAR GROUP Reg Code:0851519-3A11-8B71-8152-1161

31-03-2004, 09:02
Why you don't use dustbusterXP, it's stronger, and safer
Warmest regard!!!!!

enter the matrix
31-03-2004, 10:33
Post link lên dùm đi mấy cha, cứ giới thiệu chả biết gì hết

31-03-2004, 11:07
link ở dưới cùng của bài viết đó matrix