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13-02-2004, 09:32
Windows Source Code Leaked Over Internet

SEATTLE - Microsoft Corp. said late Thursday that portions of its Windows source code - the tightly guarded blueprints of its dominant operating system - had been leaked over the Internet.

Microsoft spokesman Tom Pilla said in an interview with The Associated Press that some incomplete portions of its Windows 2000 and Windows NT4 source code had been "illegally made available on the Internet."

The company was made aware of the leak on Thursday, he said. He did not know how much of the code had leaked, how many people might have gained access to it or when the leak occurred. The company also could not immediately say what the source of the leak was, but said it was investigating. It also has contacted law enforcement authorities.

Pilla said there was no indication that the code leak was a result of a breach of Microsoft's corporate network, and added that there was no known immediate impact to Microsoft's customers.

The dominant Windows operating system is used on hundreds of millions of computers worldwide.

Microsoft has previously shared some of its source code with some U.S. government agencies, foreign governments and universities under tight restrictions that prevent such organizations from making it publicly available. But the company has generally argued that the blueprints to its operating system are proprietary, and shouldn't be made public.

Still, because some people outside Microsoft have had access to the code, analysts said it wasn't too surprising that a leak would occur at some point - either intentionally or unintentionally.

"It seems unlikely this is going to create a material, significant security problem. It's more embarrassing than anything else because it makes it look like Microsoft can't control its code," said Rob Enderle, a technology expert and principal analyst with the Enderle Group.

FROM: http://www.komotv.com/stories/29778.htm

Và đây là list files của Windows NT source code:

13-02-2004, 23:01
BetaNews is reporting that they have located the source of the leak.

"EXCLUSIVE BetaNews has learned that Thursday's leak of the Windows 2000 source code originated not from Microsoft, but from long-time Redmond partner Mainsoft. "

More info here:
