View Full Version : khong mail nao vao duoc het ..mong giup do

10-02-2004, 15:10
Cuu minh voi cac huynh oi..minh quan ly 1 phong net truoc day minh gap truong hop nay roi .minh buoc phai ghost disk to disk thi moi duoc bay gio lai bi 1 cai may khac ..van de nhu sau: khi vao mail no bao dong chu la :

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ke ca hotmail cua minh cung ko vao duoc ...ca huynh chi giao dum nhe....
cam on nhieu..

10-02-2004, 16:52
ban du`ng IE phai ko ? vay ban vao tools -option nhan vao default level o tat ca cac the? , nhat la o the? security . chuc ban lam dc