View Full Version : Auto Poster. Tự động post bài trên các forum

28-09-2009, 14:58
What does it do : * Takes a single post, and posts it to 29 different forums, so you can build RS/MU points Also I have included a BBCODE Editor, which can be ran from inside AutoPoster! I did not create it, but I edited it so it is more standard to the more popular forum scripts. (EX: added {Center] {Indent] and changed Font Sizing) There is also a PREVIEW FEATURE, USE IT! Now it also has a Katz.CD, cdcovers.cc, NFOrce.nl, Yahoo Moviez, and a Rapidshare search built in **NEW** Added a Post-Queue program, which allows you to enter one URL and numerous posts, it will then post all those posts to that single URL (separatly). I timed it, took me 30 seconds to make 20 posts at one forum Wink Oh it's good (the forum didnt have antiflood). If antiFlood is a problem change the speed on the settings tab, just like AutoPoster! How to run it : * Make a BBCode post either with my BBCode Editor, which is included, or any means you normally do. * From the "Forum List" tab select the forums you wish to post at (NEW) * Pick the apropriate Posting Section in AutoPoster (EX: Moviez/Music/Aooz/ETC) * Paste your BBcode into the Edit Box * Press the preview button to open a small window to view what the post will look like ONLINE * Hit the button and go grab a drink or something, it takes a little over 1 minute to post 15 posts! You can also select your speeds in the settings tab, if it is too slow for you


22-06-2011, 09:54
link die òi bạn ơi..:(

22-06-2011, 16:35
Đào mộ làm chi vậy bạn
java code Snippet (http://www.ipaste.org),iphone code Snippet (http://www.ipaste.org),ajax code Snippet (http://www.ipaste.org),jQuery code Snippet (http://www.ipaste.org),android code Snippet (http://www.ipaste.org),php code Snippet (http://www.ipaste.org),css code Snippet (http://www.ipaste.org)