View Full Version : Cho hỏi chút về Create an Ads trên Facebook

03-09-2009, 23:40
HI! all
Mình định đăng ký Ads quảng cáo ở trên Facebook
"Now that you’ve set up your campaign, set your daily budget and your schedule. How much do you want to spend per day? The minimum budget is US $1.00 a day. Now schedule your ad. Do you want your campaign to run continuously starting once the ad is approved or at a specified start and end date?

Decide whether you want to pay for clicks or pay for views. For more information about best practices for each payment type, check out our FAQ.

Finally, you'll want to confirm the maximum you are willing to pay per click or per 1000 impressions depending on your payment method. The suggested bid range shows you what other advertisers are currently bidding to reach people in your target. For best results, you should bid at least as much as the minimum suggested bid."
Full link:

Nếu mình đặt ngân sách 1 ngày la 10USD chẳng hạn và Pay Per Click là O,01 usd

Như vậy, nếu một ngày hết 10 USD thì QC ko hiển thị nữa à?
Nếu như chưa hết thì sao?

Thanks !

04-09-2009, 13:06
HI! all
Mình định đăng ký Ads quảng cáo ở trên Facebook
"Now that you’ve set up your campaign, set your daily budget and your schedule. How much do you want to spend per day? The minimum budget is US $1.00 a day. Now schedule your ad. Do you want your campaign to run continuously starting once the ad is approved or at a specified start and end date?

Decide whether you want to pay for clicks or pay for views. For more information about best practices for each payment type, check out our FAQ.

Finally, you'll want to confirm the maximum you are willing to pay per click or per 1000 impressions depending on your payment method. The suggested bid range shows you what other advertisers are currently bidding to reach people in your target. For best results, you should bid at least as much as the minimum suggested bid."
Full link:

Nếu mình đặt ngân sách 1 ngày la 10USD chẳng hạn và Pay Per Click là O,01 usd

Như vậy, nếu một ngày hết 10 USD thì QC ko hiển thị nữa à?
Nếu như chưa hết thì sao?

Thanks !

đúng thế, nếu bạn chọn tính năng từ charge thì hết 10USD nó sẽ tự động charge đến khi hết tiền trong thẻ thì thôi :-)

04-09-2009, 13:58
Uả, mình tường Budget thì do mình đặt, chứ hết nó lại tiếp tục lấy trong thẻ mình thì toi à :)