View Full Version : Vccorp - Linkhay.com hay LinkHay.vn

02-04-2009, 11:25
Sáng nay vào Linkhay.com đọc dc 1 tin rất chi là thú vị.

Linkhay.com là của Vccorp nhưng linkhay.vn lại không phải. Đang có 1 topic bình luận vấn đề này tại Linkhay.com

Theo các bác, người chàng sở hữu linkhay.vn có nên build 1 site tương tự linkhay.com không?


02-04-2009, 12:44
Sao bác chắc là của VC thế :D

02-04-2009, 15:53
không biết đang địng giờ trò gì đây :p

03-04-2009, 21:33
linkhay.com thì chắc chắn của VCCorp rồi. Còn Mr.Đào Việt Long kia mới mua linkhay.vn chắc phải vài hôm nữa mới thấy ý đồ.

Thời điểm loạn lạc thiếu đạn hiện nay, nhiều startup cũng ko dám mua bao vây tên miền :D

03-04-2009, 22:32
Việt Nam hay đi bắt chứoc nhỉ, có mấy trang bắt chước twiter, giờ lại có trang bắt chước digg

03-04-2009, 22:48
cái domain linkhay nghe lởm lởm thế nào á, chẳng hay ho gì. Vào thử thì nội dung cũng chẳng hay ho gì nốt

05-04-2009, 22:54
cho em gửi nhờ vài thông tin nhé!
Cambridge, UK - March 24, 2009

Rabbitsoft, the Cambridge-based software company today announced the commercial availability of its Rabbit Enterprise Social Software. Rabbit is the first product designed to connect the enterprise through a web Operating System, delivering project collaboration and content sharing using social networking capabilities, but managed within secure organisational boundaries.

The commercial release of Rabbit connects people, process and content to provide a for enterprise users, regardless of their location.

· People – Rabbit focuses on the people that make up a workplace, whether its employees, customers or other stakeholders. All functions are tied back to the interaction of people, and social networking capabilities such as group building, instant messaging and microblogging are provided to drive uptake by users, and encourage collaboration on projects.

· Processes – Rabbit provides core business processes that are accessible through the platform, and allows integration with other enterprise applications. This ensures that Rabbit becomes an active place to work, and that users have the full functionality they expect from existing operating systems, which isn’t compromised by location.

· Content – Rabbit provides unparalleled content sharing capabilities, allowing users to share files, publish articles and synchronise information across sources so that email traffic is reduced.

Commenting on the release, Tayfun Bilsel, Founder and CEO said “Rabbit is now available to enterprises of all sizes to encourage employees to contribute, collaborate and connect with each other and with other stakeholders. Its rich and robust functionality, combined with its ease of use, means that businesses are instantly more productive, can work better across geographical and functional boundaries, and delivers an early return on investment as work is completed sooner, IT costs are reduced, and everything is transparent to users regardless of location”

Victor Stekly, CEO Welding Alloys has rolled out the product across his manufacturing business. “With 35 locations worldwide, communication is critical and Rabbit has ensured that every office learns from every other office. There’s no lost time, there’s minimal IT requirements and people drive each other to use and contribute through social groups and applications. We expect to see ROI within months.”

In addition to its core functionality the commercial release of Rabbit includes some major new features over pre-release versions.

· Project Management application – integrated product management ensures that users can build and manage products without external applications and costs

· Organisational chart builder – Rabbit automatically generates organisational charts from the user-managed employee directory so corporate information is always current

· Ratings and reviews- the ability to rank content ensures that users know which information is relevant within their organisation and provides a view of how much someone is contributing to the corporate knowledgebase

· Synchronisation – a Rabbit utility to ensure that desktop content and the Rabbit workspace are automatically synchronised at user-determined intervals, ensuring that users only work on the current version of documents.

Rabbit Enterprise Social Software is available immediately.

More information: www.rabbitsoft.com