View Full Version : I Am...............................................

18-10-2003, 05:06
I'm the oldest child and the only son in my family, so i need to have a responsibility to them !!!!! I need to take care and protect my younger sister with all my heart. I need to help my parents with their business, and i need to do housework ẻveryday !!! My dad've trained me to become a real and mature man, not a dude !!!! He wants me to become an useful man in the society and also in my own family later !!! My parents are rich, but they dont let their children squânder money !!! They always teach me to economize the money and use it at âpproprite time. I feel exhausted and intense sometime from what they've trained me, but i understand deep down in my heart that my parents just want the best for me, and so i would follow them all. I know how hard my parents work everyday to nourish me and my younger sister !!!! And the only thing that can make them extremely happy is when i got good grades and certificates !!! I remember when i was a fresh man, and i got the president's education award, how happy my parents were !!! they smiled all day and praised me with whoever would be their friend on the way they met. I told them not to do that because i'm not sure if i can get the presiden's education award every year for them, so they can be proud in front of their business's friends !!!! And it happened unfortunately and seemed killing me when i did not get the president's education award at the Sophomore year. I was really disappointed, grievous and despondent !!! I cried so much at that time, i got a little sick !!! My parents worried sick about me, they cômforted and cheered that it's ok, if I dont get it this time, i can get it next time. They knew i did try my best to study , but it was a misfortune, nobody wants it, but we have to accept it !!!! They did not blame me for that !!! They wêre forgiving. And now I'm at junior yêar, i have to make sure that i get the president's education award this time, otherwise i dont know what the consequency would be then !!!!! Ím not sure if my parents would forget it like last time, Ím scaried and anxious all the time .............In this lìfe, there are so many people who are smart, wise and stellar and they also have good lucks, not like me !!!!! Ím the boy who is so fool, feeble-mind and clumsy !!!! I consider my self very bad like that, but i dont know what other people would think about me !!!!! I want to be an obstetrician later, i love babies !!!! But since i have such bad sides like that, i dont know if i can reach the goal or not !!!! The life can never be predicted before it happens !!!! I'm praying everyday that my dream would come true !!! There is a sentence from a book that i really be interested in, "the life would be changed if one person would question himself what he can do for life." So i would always question myself and i have the ănswer now !!! The only thing i can do and that can change my life also giving me the most happiest and prosperous life is STUDYING !

23-10-2003, 08:52
sure! glad to know that you see your ways to reach goals

24-10-2003, 12:40
are u ok mate? i've just read some of ur posts here and they seem like all BS

grow up mate..... stop saying all of those crappiest things again and again