View Full Version : Avartar không hiện lên ảnh được.Vì sao vậy???

09-03-2009, 21:08
Mọi người ơi mình có thắc mắc muốn hỏi các bạn và nhờ các bạn giúp đỡ mình với.
Chả là thế này máy ở công ty mình thì không sao vẫn có ảnh hiện lên.Mà khi về nhà avartar của mình đen xì không hiện lên ảnh được.Mình ko hiểu vì sao ở nhà mà nó ko hiện lên được mà trên công ty thì avatar hiện ảnh bình thường.Giúp mình với!!!.hic hic hic

09-03-2009, 23:51
Bạn tham khảo:
I truly believe that this is a yahoo server issue and it is affecting lots of people. Either they are working on the yahoo servers or there is something wrong on them. I have tested this out extensively with several people. I can see other people's display pictures or avatars but only my yahoo avatar can be seen but not if I change to a display picture (photo etc).

Clearing the yahoo messenger cache has worked for me a couple times when I could only see a black box for my friend's display image. Here is the short cut method for doing that:
First exit YM then Right Click YM icon on desktop, click Properties, then Click the Find Target button. The Messenger folder will open up. Locate the Cache Folder inside and double click it to open up. You can delete all the files and folders in here. Launch YM again.

But again, though this helped me one or two times, it did not help others see my Display Picture. Though randomly after restarting yahoo messenger it has shown up for one person. I finally gave up on it and decided to just use a yahoo avatar for a display picture since most can see that.

There is a much more complicated potential fix dealing with adobe flashplayer but it has not helped those who used this method see my display picture so I hesitate to suggest it. For now I think the yahoo servers are just screwed up.

Hay có thể reinstall yahoo thử xem!!!