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Tắt xẹc vơ
09-01-2009, 13:13
I would like to open this thread with the only goal:
Anyone are interested in english could write down here

I'd like to join an 'TOEFL examination online' to check and improve english ability, but do not know the procedure to get in the examination room?

http://www.ets.org/portal/site/ets/menuitem.fab2360b1645a1de9b3a0779f1751509/?vgnextoid=69c0197a484f4010VgnVCM10000022f95190RCR D

People said that: 'if we could not invest for ourself, should invest for next generations', Yeah! I think so.
I hope that as many as possible next generation could get scholarship to go to an abroad university. As a matter of fact: at least their family 'make the day' (idiom: be satisfied)


Please inform if any pass the examination.
Best luck,

09-01-2009, 18:18
write chỗ nào thế bạn,chỉ cụ thể dùm mình nha

live 4u
09-01-2009, 21:59
I would like to open this thread with the only goal:
Anyone are interested in english could write down here

write chỗ nào thế bạn,chỉ cụ thể dùm mình nha

hê hê^^..write đại đi legayou ơi! Miễn sao mà nó lọt trong cái thờ rét này là ok rồi!

I wanna spam here with u, Mr. Tắt:lick:

I'm an student, so if I say anything wrong, plz help me to correct :yes:

Why u reg nick Tắt xẹc vơ?
Does it mean when the light's out, u're always ready to "xẹc" quickly, "vơ" anything u can "vơ" and run away with those things ?:lick:

live 4u
10-01-2009, 09:48
Hi, I am new here. I viewed all posts.

Good morning "chờ die"!
Are u from China?
U look like a "vender"! :D Do u have some kind of jewelry that I can decorate my NICK?:D

10-01-2009, 09:57
My English's so bad :crying:
I'm afraid i will write incorrectly :crying:
(ai thấy sai thì sửa dùm em nhé, em cám ơn nhiều. Sinh viên năm 2 mà tiếng Anh chả ra gì :()

live 4u : I think your English's very good. Can you help me fix my mistake ?

live 4u
10-01-2009, 10:14
(ai thấy sai thì sửa dùm em nhé, em cám ơn nhiều. Sinh viên năm 2 mà tiếng Anh chả ra gì :()

live 4u : Can you help me fix my mistake ?

I'm very plzed to "help" u to be "worse and worse"!:yes:
I've learned Eng. for 2,5 years.

By the way, I'm almost know nothing about IT. So we cooperate to be "worse", okie?:D

10-01-2009, 10:14
ngoài kỹ năng đọc ra các kỹ năng # của mình quá tệ, không biết đi học ở đâu cải thiện được nhỉ

10-01-2009, 10:19
"Worse" ? :w00t:
No no i don't think so. I think you're joking :w00t:

live 4u : i sent a message to you :)

live 4u
10-01-2009, 10:22
ngoài kỹ năng đọc ra các kỹ năng # của mình quá tệ, không biết đi học ở đâu cải thiện được nhỉ

here, spam in Eng. with us! U soon think & speak in Eng. more quickly.

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

"Worse" ? :w00t:
No no i don't think so. I think you're joking :w00t:

live 4u : i sent a message to you :)

U can think whatever U like, I "don't" care!:D

But I promise to help U to be the "Worst" in this FR:D

10-01-2009, 10:26
I love this topic. I hope it will help me write better :)
(câu trên em viết đúng ko zậy các bác ?)

But I promise to help U to be the "Worst" in this FR --> what is "FR" ? :D
I don't understand !

live 4u
10-01-2009, 10:29
I love this topic. I hope it will help me write better :)
(câu trên em viết đúng ko zậy các bác ?)

Completely "wrong" = right:D
FR= Forum= diễn đàn:yes:

10-01-2009, 10:31
Oh ! Thank u ! :D
Can you tell me anyway to write better ?

live 4u
10-01-2009, 10:35
Oh ! Thank u ! :D
Can you tell me anyway to write better ?

Write down what U like to do here. Write about your lover (ur lover) forexample:emlaugh:
Day by day, u'll be a famous writer:D

10-01-2009, 10:35
ngoài kỹ năng đọc ra các kỹ năng # của mình quá tệ, không biết đi học ở đâu cải thiện được nhỉ

I think you should spam in English. It's good for U :D

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Write down what U like to do here. Write about your lover (ur lover) forexample:emlaugh:
Day by day, u'll be a famous writer:D

Oh no ! I don't have lover lol
But i will have in future lol

(is my sentence wrong ?)

live 4u
10-01-2009, 10:39
Hey Gea, does ur future lover have enough "electricity & water"?:lick:

10-01-2009, 10:43
Hey Gea, does ur future lover has enough "electricity & water"?:lick:

hehe my future lover will be very beautiful :lick:. She 's as beautiful as Britney Spears !!! :w00t:

(dùng as và like như thế nào hả bác ? khác nhau như thế nào)

live 4u
10-01-2009, 10:44
I don't have lover lol
But i will have in future lol

(is my sentence wrong ?)

I think u should say: I haven't had a lover yet. But I'll have one in the future.:D

That's my opinion. There're many English Speakers here, and I hope that they'll be pleased to do us a favor:D

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

She 's as Britney Spears !!! :w00t:

She's as beautiful as B.S:D. According to live 4u:D

10-01-2009, 10:47
I think u should say: I haven't had lover yet. But I'll have one in the future.:D

That's my opinion. There're many English Speakers here, anh I hope that they'll pleased to do us a favor:D

okie thank you ! :yes:
i will always remember :yes:

And how about your lover ? :D

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

I think u should say: I haven't had a lover yet. But I'll have one in the future.:D

That's my opinion. There're many English Speakers here, and I hope that they'll be pleased to do us a favor:D

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

She's as beautiful as B.S:D. According to live 4u:D

What does it mean ? And how to use this structure ?

live 4u
10-01-2009, 10:59
okie thank you ! :yes:
i will always remember :yes:

And how about your lover ? :D

I don't wanna love. Love makes us weaker, takes us too much time to keep it "healthy". It's a waste of time to love someone:lick:

@geany:Hey, I've corrected some words in my previous post. Read again if u have time, please!

10-01-2009, 11:01
Okie !

live 4u
10-01-2009, 11:04
What is it mean ? And how to use this structure ?

"According to" live 4u!

I mean to say that I'm not always right, u should be careful. hè hè

10-01-2009, 11:07
I don't wanna love. Love makes us weaker, takes us too much time to keep it "healthy". It's a waste of time to love someone:lick:

@geany:Hey, I've corrected some words in my previous post. Read again if u have time, please!

I think the love's good for everybody lol
It makes us stronger lol

live 4u
10-01-2009, 11:08

What is it mean ?

What does it mean? ( mean is a verb, u must "borrow" "TO DO")

10-01-2009, 11:10
What does it mean? ( mean is a verb, u must "borrow" "TO DO")

Yes ! I corrected :yes:

live 4u
10-01-2009, 11:11
I think the love's good for everybody lol
It makes us stronger lol

ONLY "MAD" men want to love! Love is an "extremely stupid" thing to do in this world!

P/s: I'm so hungry now, see u soon. bi bi:D

10-01-2009, 11:12
Okie ! Bye :D
See you again ! :)

live 4u
10-01-2009, 13:55
Deadly Fruit

One day in the forest, 3 guys were just hiking along a trail when all of a sudden, a huge pack of indians attaked them and knocked them out.

When they woke up, they were at the leader of the tribe's throne.

The chief then said "All of your lives may be spared if you can find ten of one fruit and bring them back to me."

So after a while the first man returned with 10 apples. The cheif then ordered him to stick all ten of them up his butt without making any expression at all on his face. He had a little bit of trouble with the first one and started crying while trying to put the next one in. He was soon killed.

Later, the next guy came in with 10 grap es. The cheif soon ordered him to do the same as the first guy. After to the 9th grap es, the man started laughing so hard for no apperant reason, and was killed.

The first two guys soon met in heaven and the first guy ask the second, "Why did you start laughing? You only needed one more grap es and you'd have gotten away!"

The second guy answered while still laughing, "I couldn't help it. I saw the third guy walking in with pineapples."

The end

Please translate this story into Vietnamese, or give me if you have!

10-01-2009, 14:42
My skill's so bad ! :buck:

Trái cây chết người
Một ngày nọ ở trong rừng, có 3 anh chàng đang đi bộ dọc theo con đường mòn thì bất thình lình bị một bộ lạc tấn công và đánh gục.
Khi họ tỉnh dậy, họ đang ở chỗ thủ lĩnh của bộ lạc.
Tên thủ lĩnh nói "Muốn sống thì hãy tìm 10 quả của một loại trái cây và mang về cho tao".
Một lát sau người đầu tiên mang về 10 quả táo. Thủ lĩnh ra lệnh cho anh ta "stick all ten of them up his butt" mà không biểu lộ điều gì trên khuôn mặt. Anh ta cố gắng với quả đầu tiên và sau đó bắt đầu khóc trong khi cố gắng đặt những quả tiếp theo. Anh ta bị giết ngay tức khắc.
Lát sau người tiếp theo mang về 10 quả nho. Thủ lĩnh ra lệnh cho anh ta làm như người đầu. Sau 9 quả nho, anh ta bắt đầu cười "for no apperant reason" và bị giết.
2 anh chàng gặp nhau trên thiên đường và anh chàng đầu hỏi anh thứ 2, "Tại sao mày lại cười ? Mày chỉ cần duy nhất 1 quả nho nữa và có thể rời khỏi đó”
Anh chàng thứ 2 trả lời trong khi vẫn còn cười "Tao không thể nhịn cười được. Tao thấy thằng kia đang đi tới với mấy quả dứa".

--> A bad translation :buck:
Can you help me correct it ?
I can't translate a few places :(

live 4u
10-01-2009, 21:52
Trái cây chết người

Một ngày nọ ở trong rừng, có 3 anh chàng đang đi bộ dọc theo con đường mòn thì bất thình lình bị một nhóm thổ dân tấn công và đánh họ gục ngay tại chỗ
Khi họ tỉnh dậy, họ đang ở chỗ thủ lĩnh của bộ lạc.
Tên thủ lĩnh nói "Muốn sống thì hãy tìm 10 quả của một loại trái cây và mang về cho tao".

Một lúc sau người đầu tiên mang về 10 trái táo. Tên thủ lĩnh ra lệnh cho anh ta nuốt lốn (không nhai) hết cả 10 trái mà không được biểu lộ bất cứ cảm xúc gì trên nét mặt nhằm làm trò cười cho hắn. Anh ta hơi khó khăn khi ráng nuốt trái đầu tiên, nhưng rồi anh ta đã bật khóc trong khi đang cố nuốt trái thứ hai. Anh ta liền bị giết chết.

Lát sau người tiếp theo mang về 10 quả nho. Tên thủ lĩnh ra lệnh cho anh ta làm như người đầu tiên. Sau khi đã nuốt xong chín trái nho, anh ta bỗng bật cười sặc sụa mà chẳng do nguyên nhân gì rõ rệt cả, và bị giết chết.

Không lâu sau, hai anh chàng này gặp nhau trên thiên đường và anh chàng đầu hỏi anh thứ 2, "Tại sao mày lại cười ? Mày chỉ cần nuốt thêm 1 trái nho nữa là thoát nạn rùi.”

Anh chàng thứ 2 trả lời trong khi vẫn còn đang ha hả cười "Tao không thể nhịn cười được. Tao thấy thằng thứ 3 đang ôm về 10 trái thơm (dứa)".

Translated by Geany & live 4u.

@Geason: U’ve done a good job! Thank u.

Trái thơm:



[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

I can't translate a few places :(

There're some of my suggestions in this Vietnamese translation:D
Anyway, I'm not sure b/c I'm a student myself:D

10-01-2009, 22:35
where're you studing ? :)

live 4u
10-01-2009, 22:51
where're you studing ? :)

geany, I've just rewite ur name at the end of the story:" TRANSLATED BY GEANY & LIVE 4U".


I'm studying in VN:D

It's a secret:lick:

10-01-2009, 22:55
Secret ? :w00t:
Can U tell me a litte of that secret :w00t:

live 4u
10-01-2009, 22:57
Tell me urs first:D

10-01-2009, 22:59
yeah ! i'm studing at VNU-HCM and ... :shifty:

live 4u
10-01-2009, 23:03
yeah ! i'm studing at VNU-HCM and ... :shifty:

If I believed u, I was a mad one:lick:

Is it possible to tell someone our secret?:lick:

10-01-2009, 23:13
haha i think so.
Now, let's discuss English. I wanna have more knowledge lol
My vocabulary's poor :crying: How to increase my vocabulary ? (làm thế nào để tăng nó lên ? --> ko biết diễn đạt ra sao :()

live 4u
10-01-2009, 23:20
haha i think so.
Now, let's discuss English. I wanna have more knowledge lol
My vocabulary's poor :crying: How to increase my vocabulary ? (làm thế nào để tăng nó lên ? --> ko biết diễn đạt ra sao :()

Read more. If possible, please collect funny English stories & post here.

U, the others & I will try to translate them into Vn. U'll have a lot of voc. in a very short time:D

10-01-2009, 23:28
Besides, my grammar's really bad :buck:
I can't use my grammar to write a sentence completely :(
I really disappointed myseft !

live 4u
10-01-2009, 23:38
Besides, my grammar's really bad :buck:
I can't use my grammar to write a sentence completely :(

Don't worry!
Write down anything u like. If I can, I'll help u to be "worse":D

How many girls have u made friend with?
Is there any girl with u now?
What is she like, ugly, mean, ***y ? Tell me:D

How many times have u been to a massage hotel? Is it expensive? Are the girls there cute?

10-01-2009, 23:48
Don't worry!
Write down anything u like. If I can, I'll help u to be "worse":D

How many girls have u made friend with?
Is there any girl with u now?
What is she like, ugly, mean, ***y ? Tell me:D

How many times have u been to a massage hotel? Is it expensive? Are the girls there cute?

I made friend with so many girls ! :D
Generally, They're rather lovely :D. But we're friend not lovers.
(Diễn đạt câu "Chúng tôi chỉ là bạn chứ không là người yêu" như thế nào nhỉ ? :D)

PS: I'm too sleepy ! See you soon :)

11-01-2009, 08:48
I made friend with so many girls ! :D
Generally, They're rather lovely :D. But we're friend not lovers.
(Diễn đạt câu "Chúng tôi chỉ là bạn chứ không là người yêu" như thế nào nhỉ ? :D)

PS: I'm too sleepy ! See you soon :)

Hey guys (geany & live 4 u), this topic seem to be urs topic aye. So far only 2 of u guys have a discussion. Sound like very interesting. You don't mind I join here, don't u?

@geany: you should say: "I have made friends with many girls but they are just a friend". What is VNU-HCM?

@live 4 u: I like the way u ask questions, such as how many time u have been to massage. LOL. If u keen we will discover some day and u will know the answer. LOL

Cheers guys

11-01-2009, 09:11
Completely "wrong" = right:D
FR= Forum= diễn đàn:yes:

WT heck language you are using

This topic for people who love learning. In English. Even good English. If you find you really must write hai, i want to no wot u want 2 do, then please try myspace or something instead. We'll all be better off in the long run.

11-01-2009, 09:50
Hey guys (geany & live 4 u), this topic seem to be urs topic aye. So far only 2 of u guys have a discussion. Sound like very interesting. You don't mind I join here, don't u?

@geany: you should say: "I have made friends with many girls but they are just a friend". What is VNU-HCM?

@live 4 u: I like the way u ask questions, such as how many time u have been to massage. LOL. Ì u keen we will discover some day and u will know the answer. LOL

Cheers guys

Thank u very much :)
I have a question ! You writed "Sound like very interesting" --> what is this structure ? How to use ?
Sorry if you feel my question's stupid lol

11-01-2009, 10:04
Thank u very much :)
I have a question ! You writed "Sound like very interesting" --> what is this structure ? How to use ?
Sorry if you feel my question's stupid lol

No stupid question, just a stupid person who don't wanna ask a question! All welcome Geany, God I hate to type your user name, quite complex! LOL

Back to topic, sound like very interesting is a way to show my expression. It mean I like this topic and I am interesting in this thread. That's all!

By the way, you haven't answer my previous question? What does VNU-HCM stand for?

11-01-2009, 10:12
VNU-HCM means "Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh" lol

11-01-2009, 10:21
VNU-HCM means "Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh" lol

Cool, so it mean Đại Học Quốc Gia - HCM doesn't it? Sorry I'm not really familiar with those name.

How have you been today? Any class or any plan so far?

Oh 1 more question for you. What's ur major in VNU?

11-01-2009, 10:43
Yes, it is ! :w00t:
My major's mechanical engineering :)

ps: i hurry now ! see you soon ! :)

11-01-2009, 10:52
Yes, it is ! :w00t:
My major's mechanical engineering :)

ps: i hurry now ! see you soon ! :)

Cool, I know nothing about ur major and totally out of engineering stuffs.

Catch you later mate.

By the way, "I'm in hurry"


live 4u
11-01-2009, 17:15
@live 4 u: I like the way u ask questions, such as how many time u have been to massage. LOL. If u keen we will discover some day and u will know the answer. LOL

Cheers guys

What does "LOL" mean, Xup?
"If u keen": please say "If u keen" in Vietnamese!

By the way, please let me know how long have u learned English so that I can easier understand what u mean!

11-01-2009, 18:03
What does "LOL" mean, Xup?
"If u keen": please say "If u keen" in Vietnamese!

By the way, please let me know how long have u learned English so that I can easier understand what u mean!

Oh, sorry about my "bad" English. Here you are:

- LOL (or sometime lol or LoL: is an Internet slang, it means "laughing out loud". This word is very common in Internet. You can find it nearly in every Internet community such as forum, Usernet, email etc and in mobile txt as well. Some common words I'm using every day in my office (email) and in my cell are: EOM, OMW, EST, LOL, etc.

- If u keen is a speaking language, I should say If you are keen, but I drop "are" when typing. If you are keen mean If you like.

- So now I have a question for you. How can you understand what I mean by to know the number of year I have learn Eng? Any relationship between them? LOL

live 4u
11-01-2009, 19:48
- If u keen is a speaking language, I should say If you are keen, but I drop "are" when typing. If you are keen mean If you like.

- So now I have a question for you. How can you understand what I mean by to know the number of year I have learn Eng? Any relationship between them? LOL

Thank u for ur explanation. I rarely use slangs, so please eplain any such kind of slang for the first time u use them in this thread, that way I can understand u easier!:D

What u've written so far, I guess u've learned Eng. on purpose for about 1 year (after leaving high school).

@Xupcua: Could u tell me why u reg nick "XUPCUA" ? Do u like to have xupcua day & night?:D

11-01-2009, 20:04
Thank u for ur explanation. I rarely use slangs, so please eplain any such kind of slang for the first time u use them in this thread, that way I can understand u easier!:D

What u've written so far, I guess u've learned Eng. on purpose for about 1 year (after leaving high school).

@Xupcua: Could u tell me why u reg nick "XUPCUA" ? Do u like to have xupcua day & night?:D

Only 1 yr learning Eng. Woh, good guess! You did your job very well. I read somewhere you said you have learn Eng for more than 2 yrs haven't u? So I can conclude my Eng is totally suck, need more improved. Anyway thanks for your guessing, I greatly appreciate your guess. It really help. LOL

Honestly, I don't really like crab soup. It was choose because it reminds me I've had a good friend. That's all.

Have a good nite mate


live 4u
11-01-2009, 20:41
Only 1 yr learning Eng. Woh, good guess! You did your job very well. I read somewhere you said you have learn Eng for more than 2 yrs haven't u? So I can conclude my Eng is totally suck, need more improved. Anyway thanks for your guessing, I greatly appreciate your guess. It really help. LOL

Honestly, I don't really like crab soup. It was choose because it reminds me I've had a good friend. That's all.

Have a good nite mate


hè hè. U're so smart! If I make any mistakes in written Or spoken Eng. Please help me to correct. U're in fact better :D

11-01-2009, 20:57
hè hè. U're so smart! If I make any mistakes in written Or spoken Eng. Please help me to correct. U're in fact better :D

Woh sound seem you r very proud of your Eng ability. I'm afraid I'm not able to point out any mistake in your Eng in both writing and speaking skill. As you say I'm a newbie in Eng language and my study time are less than you. There r no ways for me. Let image how can a guy who's learned Eng in 1 yr correct a language for another guy has 2 yrs experience in learning. It's impossible isn't it? LOL

What's ur Uni and ur major? If you wanna catch up online, feel free add my Yahoo nick (xupcua). I'm not often check this forum


live 4u
11-01-2009, 21:11
Woh sound seem you r very proud of your Eng ability. I'm afraid I'm not able to point out any mistake in your Eng in both writing and speaking skill. As you say I'm a newbie in Eng language and my study time are less than you. There r no ways for me. Let image how can a guy who's learned Eng in 1 yr correct a language for another guy has 2 yrs experience in learning. It's impossible isn't it? LOL

What's ur Uni and ur major? If you wanna catch up online, feel free add my Yahoo nick (xupcua). I'm not often check this forum


My major's philosophy.
It seems that u wanna make fun of me ha?
Wait & see:lick:

11-01-2009, 21:31
My major's philosophy.
It seems that u wanna make fun of me ha?
Wait & see:lick:

Philosophy? OMG! That why u can beat me on this debate. I give up. Never never discuss anything with philosopher, you are probably a loser. LOL

Shall I stop my discussion here? Let you play in this thread by urself, my philosopher.

By the way, in chat room, do u understand if someone said "U wanna have fun?"? Lol

The Old Man
12-01-2009, 01:43
Nếu các bạn muốn học viết tiếng Anh cho tốt thì nên tránh các lọai viết tắt hay chat ngữ. Đừng học viết loại ngôn ngữ mà ngay cả người bãn xứ cũa nước họ cũng nhận ra.
Chúc các bạn học anh ngữ mau tiến bộ!!!

live 4u
12-01-2009, 09:20
Nếu các bạn muốn học viết tiếng Anh cho tốt thì nên tránh các lọai viết tắt hay chat ngữ. Đừng học viết loại ngôn ngữ mà ngay cả người bãn xứ cũa nước họ cũng (ko)nhận ra.
Chúc các bạn học anh ngữ mau tiến bộ!!!


Great idea sir!

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Philosophy? OMG! That why u can beat me on this debate. I give up. Never never discuss anything with philosopher, you are probably a loser. LOL

Shall I stop my discussion here? Let you play in this thread by urself, my philosopher.

By the way, in chat room, do u understand if someone said "U wanna have fun?"? Lol

I don't understand. What does it mean?:emlaugh:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

WT heck language you are using

This topic for people who love learning. In English. Even good English. If you find you really must write hai, i want to no wot u want 2 do, then please try myspace or something instead. We'll all be better off in the long run.

I don't know "myspace". What is it?

We'll all be better off in the long run= chúng ta sẽ khá hơn về sau này?. Is it correct?:D

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Yes, it is ! :w00t:
My major's mechanical engineering :)

ps: i hurry now ! see you soon ! :)

mechanical engineering ! can u help me to repare my motobike? I've heard that an engineer is not as good as a mechanic, right?:D

12-01-2009, 13:08
live 4u and xupcua, thank you very much :)
I hope you will help me to correct my mistake. I think my skill will be better in the future.

I have a problem in using tense. I often use it wrong :(
(Are my sentences wrong ?)

12-01-2009, 13:52
bump for crazy thread

13-01-2009, 20:57
Everybody go here to spam ! :D But spam in English :D

live 4u
14-01-2009, 00:13
I often use it wrong :(
(Are my sentences wrong ?)

I think "I often use it wrongly" b/c use is a verb, it should go with an adverb.

Longtime no see:D Have u finished ur final tests? When are u having the days off for Tet holiday?

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

bump for crazy thread

Crazy thread, u "crawl" in so u're as "crazy" as me:lick:

14-01-2009, 10:58
live 4u = live for you = (^^),hehe ,it í very easy to understand wht you want everyone to know,

18-01-2009, 20:56
Well I wanna join too since my English is so bad and I have nothing to do.
It's a pity that the creator of this topic ran off somewhere and left us with this "crazy" topic. Thanks anyway.

18-01-2009, 22:30
Hi all lol
Last week, I'm too busy to post new reply :emlaugh:
Happy new year ! I hope everyboby will have more luckiness in new year :)

19-01-2009, 03:05
Hi all lol
Last week, I'm too busy to post new reply :emlaugh:
Happy new year ! I hope everyboby will have more luckiness in new year :)

Last week I was too busy to post a new reply. Last week mean past so was must be used, not am


live 4u
19-01-2009, 08:07
Hulo, Xupcua!

U're so cool:D

Plz tell me something about the friend that Xupcua remind u of. She must be a cute girl, ha? Is she in VN ? Where did u have Xupcua togather? Maybe in a restaurant, isn't it?

19-01-2009, 11:28
Last week I was too busy to post a new reply. Last week mean past so was must be used, not am


Thank u ! I will correct it
I often use tense wrongly :crying:

19-01-2009, 14:50
all guys
shut up!!!!what a pity

19-01-2009, 16:34
all guys
shut up!!!!what a pity

Well that's really impolite of you to say such a thing. You have no right to make people to do what you want. If you don't like this thread that much then just get out of here, we don't welcome you.
And one more thing, I don't know what you pity us about but I do think that you should be the one. That's all.

02-02-2009, 22:12
Aww! I joined in hoping that I can improve my English but where is everyone??? Vietnamese New Year ended and nobody shows up, what's up? Do I scare you guys away? *cries*

03-02-2009, 16:05
ONLY "MAD" men want to love! Love is an "extremely stupid" thing to do in this world!

P/s: I'm so hungry now, see u soon. bi bi:D
OMG! Why do you think love is so bad, it's a cause for men are "mad"?
Of course, your statement is right if he is a monk :emlaugh:

BTW, nice to meet you! Hope to learn English more from you :)

05-02-2009, 00:23
Wow! Welcome yahooo :D
I manage to see another reply at least.

05-02-2009, 01:48
Wow! hi everybody. It's greater thread. I have read all reply of blackholes and live 4u and i think your english is good. You can introduce about yourself.
About me:
My name is Lâm Viết Thảo (it's a girl name but i don't care)
Current, i am studying in UNETI (Short name), IT class.
I am alone, can you invite girlfriend for me :D
All right, you can edit my grammar from reply below.

05-02-2009, 14:47
Haha, you guys like this thread and me too.
I don't hope many girls will join this thread :emlaugh:
@lamthao: What does UNETI stand for? What's your major?

05-02-2009, 16:00
Wow! hi everybody. It's greater thread. I have read all reply of blackholes and live 4u and i think your english is good. You can introduce about yourself.
About me:
My name is Lâm Viết Thảo (it's a girl name but i don't care)
Current, i am studying in UNETI (Short name), IT class.
I am alone, can you invite girlfriend for me :D
All right, you can edit my grammar from reply below.

Well, thanks for your compliment but my E is not that good at all :D but still feel good to hear that :D
You should use a great instead of greater. You're not making a comparison here right? And it would be replies in fact.Current is a noun and you should put adverb here so it must be currently. I think single and introduce are more suitable in this case. Hope you found someone right for you because Valentine is almost there :D.
Have fun!

06-02-2009, 10:42
@yahooo: UNETI is short name of University of Economic and Technical Industries. Maybe, this is a university name longest in VN :D.
@Blackholes: Thank for editing. I do not care about English as before. Before I remembered when to use adv, adj, vert and presentences, and now i lose.
For all: Yesterday I went to school by bus, and i met her. She is a beautiful girl, a baby girl. Wow, and i sitting down near her, but oh my god when i sit there, i am speechless although i can say "hello". Why i worry, i loss calm. I know she notice to me because one year ago i save her mobile phone.

06-02-2009, 11:28
This seems to be a great thread on English. But I have no time to read all posts in 5 previous pages.

So could you guys and gals please tell me which topics you're talking a/b?

English Writing is too general to discuss. I think we should narrow down the theme.

Let me take an anxample first :D. You guys and gals here are familiar with the concept "SEO" (http://www.lamseo.com/), and "SEO Contest"? Currently we Vietnamese SEOers, webmasters and e-marketers are joining an SEO contest (http://vietseoguy.com/cuocthiseo) targeting the keyword "cuocthiseo" (http://cuocthiseo.vietseoguy.com/) in Google.com.

Do you have any ideas a/b this contest? :-)

06-02-2009, 11:34
Hi VietSEOGuy,
What does "SEO" mean?

Hok bik zì
06-02-2009, 11:43
Hi all ! My English is bad, too :no:
If I write wrongly, please correct it lol Thanks everybody very much lol

06-02-2009, 12:29
@lamthao: It's a pity that you couldn't say "hi" to her :(. But she noticed you that's mean it still stands a chance for you so try your best. Ah, you had her cell number right? Contact her right away :D
@VietSEOGuy: I agree with you on narrow down the theme and we should find a common topic to talk about. Sorry because I don't know much about the SEO contest that you've mentioned.
@Hok bik zì: lol Your writing is perfectly fine, I suppose. But isn't it too short and doesn't have much information? You should write more, anything is fine, there're much more things that you can tell us right?

Hok bik zì
07-02-2009, 11:03
Yes, I will try to write more :yes:
Maybe, I will write short story or funny story lol
Do you think that a good idea ? lol

07-02-2009, 11:15
Yes, I will try to write more :yes:
Maybe, I will write short story or funny story lol
Do you think that a good idea ? lol

I don't think :lick:
But don't say , let action ?

07-02-2009, 13:27
Yes, I will try to write more :yes:
Maybe, I will write short story or funny story lol
Do you think that a good idea ? lol

Please do! :D

@yahooo: UNETI is short name of University of Economic and Technical Industries. Maybe, this is a university name longest in VN .
@Blackholes: Thank for editing. I do not care about English as before. Before I remembered when to use adv, adj, vert--->verb and presentences--->tenses???, and now i lose.
For all: Yesterday I went to school by bus, and i met her. She is a beautiful girl, a baby girl. Wow, and i sitting--->sat down near her, but oh my god when i sit--->sat there, i am--->was speechless although i can--->could say "hello". Why--->While??? i worry, i loss--->lose calm. I know she notice--->noticed to--->X me because one year ago i save--->saved her mobile phone.

Please consider when using the superlative form of adj always go along with the so it can be rewritten like this: the longest university name. Ah you should revise the past tense and the usage of verb in each tenses.

live 4u
09-02-2009, 14:53
Please do! :D

Please consider when using the superlative form of adj always go along with the so it can be rewritten like this: the longest university name. Ah you should revise the past tense and the usage of verb in each tenses.

God job!

Hey, why u use nickname blackholes, man?:lick: You like a black hole ??:emlaugh:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Yes, I will try to write more :yes:
Maybe, I will write short story or funny story lol
Do you think that a good idea ? lol

hê hê, there's a funny one, is it you ?? :

An Unlucky Man !

A young man goes into a drug store to buy condoms.

The pharmacist says the condoms come in packs of 3, 9 or 12 and asks which the young man wants.

"Well," he said, "I've been seeing this girl for a while and she's really hot. I want the condoms because I think tonight's "the" night. We're having dinner with her parents, and then we're going out. And I've got a feeling I'm gonna get lucky after that."

"Once she's had me, she'll want me all the time, so you'd better give me the 12 pack."

The young man makes his purchase and leaves.

Later that evening, he sits down to dinner with his girlfriend and her parents. He asks if he might give the blessing and they agree. He begins the prayer, but continues praying for several minutes.

The girl leans over to him and says, "You never told me that you were such a religious person."

The boy leans over to her and whispers, "You never told me that your father is a pharmacist."

Please translate into Vietnamese!

10-02-2009, 00:21
@blackholes: hix, my grammar is very bad. I expect this sentence is not wrong.
@live 4u: Your story is translated to vietnamese, and i read it many time ago. This is funny story, oh unluky man, hope i will not him in the future :D

10-02-2009, 09:17
@live 4u: I like your story. That's funny. But I don't translate into Vietnamese :D
Hope to see another funny stories from you.

11-02-2009, 13:14
God job!

Hey, why u use nickname blackholes, man?:lick: You like a black hole ??:emlaugh:

Well actually I admire it. I wonder why even light can't come out of it, awesome huh? :D
And about the story that you offered us last time. It makes me laugh realy hard but I think it'll be a bit offend if it is translated into Vietnamese lol. Thanks anyway.

11-02-2009, 13:55
@blackholes: hix, my grammar is very bad. I expect this sentence is not wrong.
@live 4u: Your story is translated to vietnamese, and i read it many time ago. This is funny story, oh unluky man, hope i will not him in the future :D

is something wrong ?

11-02-2009, 14:06
confuse and lol when read some replies :D.

12-02-2009, 11:52
is something wrong ?
You knew it, didn't you? lol

confuse and lol when read some replies :D.
What do you confuse about? Feel free to ask :D

16-02-2009, 11:23
Hi VietSEOGuy,
What does "SEO" mean?
In short, SEO means search engine optimization/optimizer (http://vietseoguy.com/cuocthiseo). It will help websites get more traffics from search engines like Google, Yahoo, Live search... by making the sites friendly with Search Engines or gain high rankings with targeted keywords...

16-02-2009, 17:46
Here , i back from Ha Giang Provide. National highway from Hanoi to Ha Giang is very very bad ! You can go by motorbike with 8km per hour . Only thing you can say : " What The Hell Am I Doing Here? "
But Scenery in Ha Giang is very nice , you can take some nice photo .

p/s : Police in Tuyen Quang city is very very dirty . If you come from another side of Vietnam , you must give money for them !

18-02-2009, 12:10
Here , i back from Ha Giang Provide. National highway from Hanoi to Ha Giang is very very bad ! You can go by motorbike with 8km per hour . Only thing you can say : " What The Hell Am I Doing Here? "
But Scenery in Ha Giang is very nice , you can take some nice photo .

p/s : Police in Tuyen Quang city is very very dirty . If you come from another side of Vietnam , you must give money for them !

Here, I'm back from... The State highway....You can reach 8km/h by motocycle... You can take some nice photos.

p/s: ...you must give them some money. (my comment: why you have to do it?)


18-02-2009, 18:20
Here, I'm back from... The State highway....You can reach 8km/h by motocycle... You can take some nice photos.

p/s: ...you must give them some money. (my comment: why you have to do it?)


I think National highway ( link (http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qu%E1%BB%91c_l%E1%BB%99_2) )

21-02-2009, 12:45
Yo! It's been a long time since I last visited this thread.
How have you all been? I do not have much time left :( I must get into a university in order to archive my dream so everyone, let's try our best. :D

22-02-2009, 21:15
Write about your future job and/or studies ?

This is the topic , I must write for my writing test in my English class . But I think about this topic all the time .

Few years ago , I applied for University of Civil Engineering and studied in it for two years . But it was my mistake . And I think now is the time for me to correct my mistake .

Last November , I stopped my studying in UCE . Someone said to me “”You are very crazy! ” . But with my personality , I can’t do anything if I don’t like it .

Maybe , it’s a wrong idea , but i will ever repent .

And what is the most thing I want to do ? Oh , first I want to become a photographer and travel around the world to take a lot of photos .
Second , I’ll be a Software Engineer.

I think firstly I’ll study to becoming a Software Engineer . And after that I’ll work hard to earn a lot of money . Then finally, I make my best dream come true.

And in order to study Software Engineering abroad, I have been trying to learn English.

22-02-2009, 21:20
You are so brave.
By the way, what was your major in UCE? Where are you studying to become a Software Engineer?

22-02-2009, 21:35
You are so brave.
Where are you studying to become a Software Engineer?

He's going to study SE aboard. Let me make some guest: Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Netherlands, etc.

How long did you study in UCE? Anyway, you decide your future and I'm appreciated your decision. All the best wishes. Hope you will become a SE and earn some money to continue your photograph hobby

Btw, what is the your camera branch and model?

22-02-2009, 23:37
i want to take part in along with u

23-02-2009, 03:43
i want to take part in along with u

U're welcome :w00t:

He's going to study SE aboard. Let me make some guest: Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Netherlands, etc.

How long did you study in UCE? Anyway, you decide your future and I'm appreciated your decision. All the best wishes. Hope you will become a SE and earn some money to continue your photograph hobby

Btw, what is the your camera branch and model?

Thank you :)
In this time , my camera is PowerShot S5 IS (http://www.canon.ca/english/index-products.asp?lng=en&prodid=1215&sgid=23&gid=2&ovr=1) .
But I like Nikon D90 (http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/digitalcamera/slr/d90/index.htm)
Anyone can give Nikon D90 :present: :helpsmili

Give me a camera and I'll give you a world :lick:

You are so brave.
By the way, what was your major in UCE? Where are you studying to become a Software Engineer?

I studied in Faculty building !
I'm going to study in the USA :)

24-02-2009, 16:41
Wow! I envy you, I wonder if I have the courage to do the same thing as you :D People make mistake and learn from it, right?

Actually, I want to become a programmer (is this the same as SE?) but my parents against it and I am sometimes confused and swayed by it.

Anyway :D I wish you success and happiness. USA is a good place to study computing and go pro but you may find it very difficult to stay faraway from home and all, so better prepared :D

24-02-2009, 17:10
I studied in Faculty building !
I'm going to study in the USA :)

Good luck to you, man!
If possible, don't study to become a software engineer, to be a CIO is a good way when you learn in USA :D

04-03-2009, 04:56
Now , I’m watching movies . I will try to write some review in English .

List film :

Thick as Thieves ( 2009 )

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Seven Pounds (2008)

The Road Home ( 1999 )

Goodbye , Wish you have a nice day .

04-03-2009, 06:27
CuocThiSEO (http://vietseoguy.com/cuocthiseo) is going to the end. The game will be over next 3 days. At the moment, my mission "top 10 in Google.com" seems to be possible with the keyword "cuocthiseo" (http://www.google.com/search?q=cuocthiseo&btnG=Search&hl=en&sa=2). My test site ranks 8 now. :-)

Well, I learn useful things from this first-in-Vietnam SEO Contest and realize that there're many Vietnamese SEO proz. I admire them for what they've done.

04-03-2009, 07:25
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free !

04-03-2009, 20:45
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free !
Sometimes I lose my hope.

I'm clueless about what I am going to do in the future. I really want to pursue my passion but when I think about it, it gives me a hard time finding out that job might not suit me. I don't want to keep missing my targets, I want to be successful, I admire those who able to do what they want, I really want to be like them but I don't have enough confidence. Please give me some advices, I really appreciate your help.

04-03-2009, 22:40
Sometimes I lose my hope.

I'm clueless about what I am going to do in the future. I really want to pursue my passion but when I think about it, it gives me a hard time finding out that job might not suit me. I don't want to keep missing my targets, I want to be successful, I admire those who able to do what they want, I really want to be like them but I don't have enough confidence. Please give me some advices, I really appreciate your help.

My English level isn't better than you,but i want to learn more English,so i must write more than.You know,i have studied 3 year in a University,the knowledge i had a little.I afraid that when i leave my shool,can i do anything that?.Now, i'm trying study so hard that i can get a good job.
Goodbye and i hope that you can pass over it.

04-03-2009, 23:02
Sometimes I lose my hope.

I'm clueless about what I am going to do in the future. I really want to pursue my passion but when I think about it, it gives me a hard time finding out that job might not suit me. I don't want to keep missing my targets, I want to be successful, I admire those who able to do what they want, I really want to be like them but I don't have enough confidence. Please give me some advices, I really appreciate your help.

My friend ,
I don't know how to say . But some people say with me
"It's no success without price" .

05-03-2009, 10:16
Sometimes I lose my hope.

I'm clueless about what I am going to do in the future. I really want to pursue my passion but when I think about it, it gives me a hard time finding out that job might not suit me. I don't want to keep missing my targets, I want to be successful, I admire those who able to do what they want, I really want to be like them but I don't have enough confidence. Please give me some advices, I really appreciate your help.

I truly understand you are put into a dilemma. But will you success on a career you don't like? As you know, if you really like one major, you have a full of motivation otherwise there are no point to make you study/work hard to accomplish your duty.

In my opinion, you should follow these steps:

1) Now you must know what do you want in future. Whatever you like or you want to become, you must set up you target.

2) Since your target is setup, then you have to find out the steps help you accomplish your goal.

3) Once your steps are planned, try your best complete these steps. You may break your step into small tasks then finish every single tasks as well.

4) At the end, you will see your achievement. Because your achievement is built on every single success task, then you will be successful. It like a sturdy house is built on every single solid brick.

So, let do what is inspired you. Do not do what is you are not interested in. It will waste your time!

05-03-2009, 10:21
Wow! This is a good place to study English!

05-03-2009, 10:30
My English level isn't better than you,but i want to learn more English,so i must write more than.You know,i have studied 3 year in a University,the knowledge i had a little.I afraid that when i leave my shool,can i do anything that?.Now, i'm trying study so hard that i can get a good job.
Goodbye and i hope that you can pass over it.

My English level isn't better than you,but I want to learn more English, so I must write more.You know, I have studied 3 years in a University,I've gained a little bit of knowledge. I'm afraid that when I leave my University, I can't do anything. Now, I'm trying study so hard, so I can get a good job.
Goodbye and I hope that you can pass over it.

In my point of view, study hard is always good but not enough. In order to get a good job, you must have a interpersonal skills or soft skills, such as: team work, problem solving, communication skills, ability to do research and analyze the problem, etc.

As you know, all employer are seeking a candidates who have bot technical skills and soft skills. Technical skill you can learn from book, materials, classroom, course, etc and these skill are easy to get in. In the other hand, soft skills can't learn from any course. It need to be improve time by time and these abilities mostly gather from social life, from day-to-day activities.

So, study hard plus join some social activities will be a key of your success in future.

All the best wishes on your study and on your prospective job.

General Study
05-03-2009, 10:47
Tặng các anh chị: Your Writing Coach (0.8 MB)http://leuchong.com/Page/Default.asp?MenuID=2&ProgID=23&DownloadID=479

05-03-2009, 11:32
Thanks so much for your advices, it helps me alot, I feel better now :D

I realize that it's me who decide my future so I hold full responsible for it, no one can do it for me. I also realize the times that I spent on playing around, I'll never have it back but it taugh me one thing: now, it's time to make a come-back, make the best of what I have, live my life to the fullest, I think that's the only way out for me.

Regardless of the gap between our age or job, you're my friends, I really thank you for that.

05-03-2009, 17:20
My English level isn't better than you,but I want to learn more English, so I must write more.You know, I have studied 3 years in a University,I've gained a little bit of knowledge. I'm afraid that when I leave my University, I can't do anything. Now, I'm trying study so hard, so I can get a good job.
Goodbye and I hope that you can pass over it.

In my point of view, study hard is always good but not enough. In order to get a good job, you must have a interpersonal skills or soft skills, such as: team work, problem solving, communication skills, ability to do research and analyze the problem, etc.

As you know, all employer are seeking a candidates who have bot technical skills and soft skills. Technical skill you can learn from book, materials, classroom, course, etc and these skill are easy to get in. In the other hand, soft skills can't learn from any course. It need to be improve time by time and these abilities mostly gather from social life, from day-to-day activities.

So, study hard plus join some social activities will be a key of your success in future.

All the best wishes on your study and on your prospective job.

Thank you! You have repaired my mistakes and your advices.I will trying to do it.

05-03-2009, 22:25
Xupcua, I think your post has some grammatical errors and here is my try. Plz accept my apologies if the suggestions below may hurt you... ;-)

1) Now you must know what do you want in future. Whatever you like or you want to become, you must set up you target.
-> Now you must know what you want (to do) in future. Whatever you like or you want to become, you have to set up you target. (mood and tone)

2) Since your target is setup, then you have to find out the steps help you accomplish your goal.
-> Once your targets/goals are set up, you have to find out tasks/steps/stages/scopes/periods (helping/) that help you accomplish them.

3) Once your steps are planned, try your best complete these steps. You may break your step into small tasks then finish every single tasks as well.
-> Once your steps/stages/... are carefully planned/scheduled/prepared/defined, try your best to complete them. You may split your steps/stages into (smaller ones if you use tasks before) small tasks then finish every single one.

4) At the end, you will see your achievement. Because your achievement is built on every single success task, then you will be successful. It like a sturdy house is built on every single solid brick.

As a result, you will see your achievements/you will achieve your goals. It is like a sturdy house that is built on every single solid brick (how and who can build guy?).

Because your achievements are built on every single success task, then you will be successful. -> ambiguous sentence.

** So, let do what is inspired you. Do not do what is you are not interested in. It will waste your time!

-> So, just do what inspires/motivates you. Do not do what you are not interested in. It will be a waste of time! (more polite) ;-)

05-03-2009, 22:36
Valkyrie (http://valkyrie.unitedartists.com/) ,in my opinion it’s a stupid movie!
The problem with this movie is that, Tom Cruise tried too hard to make Stauffenberg a Hollywood hero.

All credits of the July 20th plot went to this guy. According to the movie, he is the one who get the reserve army idea, he is the one who persuaded all the other members, and he even became the commander of the whole thing at the end…

First of all,I don’t believe a colonel can maneuver a bunch of generals in 40s’ Germany.

Secondly,if Stauffenberg was the key man of the plot, then I must say it’s the stupidest plot ever: what if something went wrong and Stauffenberg dead at the Wolf Lair? The Queen never go to some pacific island to hunt evil scientist, she let Bond do it.

Let me get to the point: Don't let the trailer for the film fool you. Don't let the director fool you. Don't even let Tom Cruise fool you.

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

My English level isn't better than you,but i want to learn more English,so i must write more than.You know,i have studied 3 year in a University,the knowledge i had a little.I afraid that when i leave my shool,can i do anything that?.Now, i'm trying study so hard that i can get a good job.
Goodbye and i hope that you can pass over it.

U're a goodboy and i'm a lazy boy :clown:

06-03-2009, 12:06
Xupcua, I think your post has some grammatical errors and here is my try. Plz accept my apologies if the suggestions below may hurt you... ;-)

1) Now you must know what do you want in future. Whatever you like or you want to become, you must set up you target.
-> Now you must know what you want (to do) in future. Whatever you like or you want to become, you have to set up you target. (mood and tone)

2) Since your target is setup, then you have to find out the steps help you accomplish your goal.
-> Once your targets/goals are set up, you have to find out tasks/steps/stages/scopes/periods (helping/) that help you accomplish them.

3) Once your steps are planned, try your best complete these steps. You may break your step into small tasks then finish every single tasks as well.
-> Once your steps/stages/... are carefully planned/scheduled/prepared/defined, try your best to complete them. You may split your steps/stages into (smaller ones if you use tasks before) small tasks then finish every single one.

4) At the end, you will see your achievement. Because your achievement is built on every single success task, then you will be successful. It like a sturdy house is built on every single solid brick.

As a result, you will see your achievements/you will achieve your goals. It is like a sturdy house that is built on every single solid brick (how and who can build guy?).

Because your achievements are built on every single success task, then you will be successful. -> ambiguous sentence.

** So, let do what is inspired you. Do not do what is you are not interested in. It will waste your time!

-> So, just do what inspires/motivates you. Do not do what you are not interested in. It will be a waste of time! (more polite) ;-)

You did a good job here :D I guess not only we learn from our mistakes but from others's too. I like that you added the alternative possibilities when correcting them.

One more thing :) Not only it helps me to improve my English grammar but also to deeply understand what Xupcua was trying to express because I have re-read your post many times.

Actually, it takes me a long time to write this little post :) I'm not good with words though. And when I think about it, my friend once said to me: It's okay as long as it's understandable(it's about my English). Maybe I'm affected by it and didn't realize we're in a Writing topic what means we must pay attention to grammar and all. Thanks anyway :D

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Valkyrie (http://valkyrie.unitedartists.com/) ,in my opinion it’s a stupid movie!
The problem with this movie is that, Tom Cruise tried too hard to make Stauffenberg a Hollywood hero.

All credits of the July 20th plot went to this guy. According to the movie, he is the one who get the reserve army idea, he is the one who persuaded all the other members, and he even became the commander of the whole thing at the end…

First of all,I don’t believe a colonel can maneuver a bunch of generals in 40s’ Germany.

Secondly,if Stauffenberg was the key man of the plot, then I must say it’s the stupidest plot ever: what if something went wrong and Stauffenberg dead at the Wolf Lair? The Queen never go to some pacific island to hunt evil scientist, she let Bond do it.

Let me get to the point: Don't let the trailer for the film fool you. Don't let the director fool you. Don't even let Tom Cruise fool you.

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

U're a goodboy and i'm a lazy boy :clown:

Thanks for your review, Chuyenly but I'm not going to watch this movie anyway, it doesn't interest me and one of the reasons is Tom Cruise :D

07-03-2009, 10:08
I truly understand you are put into a dilemma. But will you success on a career you don't like? As you know, if you really like one major, you have a full of motivation otherwise there are no point to make you study/work hard to accomplish your duty.

In my opinion, you should follow these steps:

1) Now you must know what do you want in future. Whatever you like or you want to become, you must set up you target.

2) Since your target is setup, then you have to find out the steps help you accomplish your goal.

3) Once your steps are planned, try your best complete these steps. You may break your step into small tasks then finish every single tasks as well.

4) At the end, you will see your achievement. Because your achievement is built on every single success task, then you will be successful. It like a sturdy house is built on every single solid brick.

So, let do what is inspired you. Do not do what is you are not interested in. It will waste your time!
It's sound good. I admire u so much for these advices. I wonder how u can say all right sentences. I mean good advices. Could you like to tell me something about yourself? How old are you? What is your job? And something like that.

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

My English level isn't better than you,but I want to learn more English, so I must write more.You know, I have studied 3 years in a University,I've gained a little bit of knowledge. I'm afraid that when I leave my University, I can't do anything. Now, I'm trying study so hard, so I can get a good job.
Goodbye and I hope that you can pass over it.

In my point of view, study hard is always good but not enough. In order to get a good job, you must have a interpersonal skills or soft skills, such as: team work, problem solving, communication skills, ability to do research and analyze the problem, etc.

As you know, all employer are seeking a candidates who have bot technical skills and soft skills. Technical skill you can learn from book, materials, classroom, course, etc and these skill are easy to get in. In the other hand, soft skills can't learn from any course. It need to be improve time by time and these abilities mostly gather from social life, from day-to-day activities.

So, study hard plus join some social activities will be a key of your success in future.

All the best wishes on your study and on your prospective job.
I can't understand. Why do you have a little bit of knowledge from your university if u know what u need and how u can achieve it. I think it's completely opposite to your advices. You don't like your major, do you? I u like, pls tell me why u have just get a little bit knowledge.

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Xupcua, I think your post has some grammatical errors and here is my try. Plz accept my apologies if the suggestions below may hurt you... ;-)

1) Now you must know what do you want in future. Whatever you like or you want to become, you must set up you target.
-> Now you must know what you want (to do) in future. Whatever you like or you want to become, you have to set up you target. (mood and tone)

2) Since your target is setup, then you have to find out the steps help you accomplish your goal.
-> Once your targets/goals are set up, you have to find out tasks/steps/stages/scopes/periods (helping/) that help you accomplish them.

3) Once your steps are planned, try your best complete these steps. You may break your step into small tasks then finish every single tasks as well.
-> Once your steps/stages/... are carefully planned/scheduled/prepared/defined, try your best to complete them. You may split your steps/stages into (smaller ones if you use tasks before) small tasks then finish every single one.

4) At the end, you will see your achievement. Because your achievement is built on every single success task, then you will be successful. It like a sturdy house is built on every single solid brick.

As a result, you will see your achievements/you will achieve your goals. It is like a sturdy house that is built on every single solid brick (how and who can build guy?).

Because your achievements are built on every single success task, then you will be successful. -> ambiguous sentence.

** So, let do what is inspired you. Do not do what is you are not interested in. It will waste your time!

-> So, just do what inspires/motivates you. Do not do what you are not interested in. It will be a waste of time! (more polite) ;-)
Hi VietSEOGuy. I think your English is so good. At least, your English skill is better than me very much. Could you like to explain errors when u correct them. My grammar is so bad and sometimes I can't understand why.

07-03-2009, 11:04
Hi VietSEOGuy. I think your English is so good. At least, your English skill is better than me very much. Could you like to explain errors when u correct them. My grammar is so bad and sometimes I can't understand why.

Hi there,

Thanks for your comment. But I'm sorry to say that I can hardly explain them all clearly here, in this forum since it's been a long time I even didn't take a look at grammar books (well, at least more than 3.5 years). Terribly sorry for that...

Hmm, your comment, however, contains 1 grammatical error when comparing 2 objects. The right one must be "your English writing skill is better than mine (my English, something - not ME, somebody) very much" or "your English writing skill is very much better than mine".

Agree that in speaking we can speak English like yours...

Also note that English has 4 main skills so it's important to specify each one.

BTW, my previous correction had 1 error that I didn't notice well.

- Now you must know what you want (to do) in future. Whatever you like or you want to become, you have to set up your (not you) target. :-P

Nice weekend to all English learners!

07-03-2009, 17:28
Nice weekend to all English learners!

Heheh, Thanks but I guess not :D Tomorrow is 3/8 you know? :D

08-03-2009, 17:18
To day is The Women Day!I wish that all of Women's VN and the world are more beautiful ,happiness and increasingly more successful.

08-03-2009, 17:34
Thanks for your concern :D

And I think there are some errors in your post:

To day--->Today is The Women Day--->The International Women's Day!I wish that all of Women's VN--->Vietnamese Women and the world--->women in the world are--->would be more beautiful ,happiness--->happier and increasingly--->gain? more successful.

08-03-2009, 19:13
Thanks for your concern :D

And I think there are some errors in your post:

My friend ,Who is that ?:blink:

08-03-2009, 21:36
My friend ,Who is that ?:blink:

You mean the person in my avatar?

Would you believe if I said it's me? :D

Yeah, it IS me.

09-03-2009, 04:40
You mean the person in my avatar?

Would you believe if I said it's me? :D

Yeah, it IS me.

It's a joker :emlaugh: I don't belive you :lick:

09-03-2009, 12:20
It's a joker :emlaugh: I don't belive you :lick:

No it's not a joke but let's keep it a secret here because I don't want to make it big.
It's okay if you don't believe me, I feel comfortable talking to you guys like this. Gender doesn't matter, does it?
I don't know that it automatically changes s e x to *** lol

09-03-2009, 20:36
No it's not a joke but let's keep it a secret here because I don't want to make it big.
It's okay if you don't believe me, I feel comfortable talking to you guys like this. Gender doesn't matter, does it?
I don't know that it automatically changes s e x to *** lol

:lick: I'm very very suprise , with you s e x doesn't matter ? Really ? In Vikhoa's opinion , s e x isn't good word :rolleyes: And him uses a tool of vBulletin for automatic changes s e x to ***

09-03-2009, 20:56
:lick: I'm very very surprise , with you s e x doesn't matter ? Really ? In Vikhoa's opinion , s e x isn't a good word :rolleyes: And he uses a tool of vBulletin to automatically changes s e x to ***

Well I think I mean it in a different way :D we're friends and it doesn't matter if we're boys or girls. And about the word "s e x", I haven't used it before so I don't know it automatically changes like that lol As I recall, our Admin made this change about half a year ago.

10-03-2009, 04:08
I am Sam : Love is all you need ! (http://www.binhminhmua.info/2009/03/love-is-all-you-need/)

10-03-2009, 21:44
I am Sam : Love is all you need ! (http://www.binhminhmua.info/2009/03/love-is-all-you-need/)

You seem to take a big interest on movies :D

11-03-2009, 00:04
You seem to take a big interest on movies :D

:lick: What do you do in your free time ?

11-03-2009, 16:36
:lick: What do you do in your free time ?

I read manga(comic). Because the publication quality in Viet Nam is too bad(even if it's getting better now) and the publisher always cut off and adjust some parts of the story so I find the scanlations in English to read.

Thanks to all the scanlation groups, they scanned, cleaned, edited, translated the manga into English so everyone can access for free. While reading I can improve my English vocabulary too :D.

But I'm having a big problem, there's too much to read and I don't have much time left until the national university entrance examination. I guess I have to hold back lol

11-03-2009, 21:34
Hi all ! I come back ! lol
I'm having a few problem with the activation of Windows Vista :crying: ... please help me !
I have a license of windows vista. Yesterday, I reinstalled windows but I could not activate my windows !!! :crying:
When I clicked "activate" I received the message "the product key you typed is already in use" !
Were I lost license ??? :crying: everybody help me ! Thank you so much !

11-03-2009, 21:52
Hi all ! I come back ! lol
I'm having a few problems with the activation of Windows Vista :crying: ... please help me !
I have a license of windows vista. Yesterday, I reinstalled windows but I could not activate my windows !!! :crying:
When I clicked "activate" I received the message "the product key you typed is already in use" !
Did I lost license ??? :crying: everybody help me ! Thank you so much !

Welcome back :D

Sorry but I guess I can not help you because I actually know nothing about it. But I have one question: Is your Windows genuine? If it is then it's really odd that you couldn't activate your Windows.

The best way is to find a new one then lol

11-03-2009, 22:37
Hi all ! I come back ! lol
I'm having a few problem with the activation of Windows Vista :crying: ... please help me !
I have a license of windows vista. Yesterday, I reinstalled windows but I could not activate my windows !!! :crying:
When I clicked "activate" I received the message "the product key you typed is already in use" !
Were I lost license ??? :crying: everybody help me ! Thank you so much !

You can send an email or make a phone call to Microsoft for a help :lick:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

I read manga(comic). Because the publication quality in Viet Nam is too bad(even if it's getting better now) and the publisher always cut off and adjust some parts of the story so I find the scanlations in English to read.

Thanks to all the scanlation groups, they scanned, cleaned, edited, translated the manga into English so everyone can access for free. While reading I can improve my English vocabulary too :D.

But I'm having a big problem, there's too much to read and I don't have much time left until the national university entrance examination. I guess I have to hold back lol

Speacial thanks for Subtitles Team of Updatesofts :lick:

11-03-2009, 23:33
You can send an email or make a phone call to Microsoft for a help :lick:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Speacial thanks for Subtiller Team of Updatesofts :lick:

You seem to like this :lick: a lot eh? lol :lick:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Today, my uncle becomes a father, I wonder how it feels :D

I haven't seen the baby though but my mother said that she's cute :) I want to see her badly.

Time flies by, I'm eighteen already :crying: I'm getting old or growing up?

12-03-2009, 00:47
You seem to like this :lick: a lot eh? lol :lick:
Today, my uncle becomes a father, I wonder how it feels :D

I haven't seen the baby though but my mother said that she's cute :) I want to see her badly.

Time flies by, I'm eighteen already :crying: I'm getting old or growing up?

You're very young .In my sentiment , you need to read more books ( not comic ) :lick:
If you have enough time , I recommend " The Fountainhead (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountainhead) "
And do you like watching movie lol ?

12-03-2009, 01:32
You're very young .In my sentiment , you need to read more books ( not comic ) :lick:
If you have enough time , I recommend " The Fountainhead (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountainhead) "
And do you like watching movie lol ?

Thanks for your advice :D

Actually, not until the beginning high school that I started reading manga(bad timing eh?) even though I sometimes read Doraemon and Conan when I was in elementary school:D. It's the summer of my first year in high school, I and my close friend decided to spend the first two weeks reading manga not because of we hungry for it but for that we could meet, we could talk and did exercises together(every morning at 6, we would see each other at the bus stop with a bike), that's the main reasons. I had loved manga since that time and the first series that I completed is Hikaru no Go, it's been 2 years and I've completed many others, I've learned a lot from that too, it's not a waste at all. People said that it's not good to read comic but I think comic itself is not bad, it's the people that make it so.

About the book that you recommended, I thought I'd give it a try :D, to you it must be a good book, right?
I like watching movie but don't have much chance to go to the cinema :D DvDrip is okay though lol

12-03-2009, 12:17
Today I need to sell 2 HDDs (160 Gb & 80 GB) because i don't have enought space to download more film :(

12-03-2009, 13:08
hi everyone, I enjoy your comments, they're very exciting.
Blackholds, your english skill is very good, maybe it's true to mathematics because you have a GOD's EQUATION in your signature :) what is it? Could you explain it!

12-03-2009, 13:08
Today I need to sell 2 HDDs (160 Gb & 80 GB) because i don't have enough space to download more film :(

lol films sure are taking much space eh? I have about 40GB of movies and dramas, my precious :)

You need to sell them in order to buy a new one with bigger space? But how would you do with those film in that two HDDs of yours. Is there any good films that you'd recommend? I kind of bored now lol

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

hi everyone, I enjoy your comments, they're very exciting.
Blackholes, your english skill is very good, maybe it's true to mathematics because you have a GOD's EQUATION in your signature :) what is it? Could you explain it!

Thanks for your compliment but my English is nowhere near that yet lol I have to practice more and more.

I'm a little bit confused here when you mention mathematics, if it's about the God's equation in my signature then you can find information about it in the book with the same name by Amir D.Aczel. Einstein created this equation and it proof that the universe is expanding but he abandoned it didn't know that he'd regret it later. The book was translated into Vietnamese under the name "Câu chuyện về phương trình thâu tóm cả vũ trụ". If you're interested and have time, you should read this book :D I have to tell you before hand that it's hard to understand, even I haven't fully understood it lol

12-03-2009, 14:03
oops, Einstein, I love him so much, a man with a ruminant eyes. I've already used the photo of him as my avatar :)

oh, I wonder if the my above sentence is true. I use "The photo of him" to mean the picture in which have the Einstein's face, not the picture that he owns

12-03-2009, 14:11
oops, Einstein, I love him so much, a man with a ruminant eyes. I've already used the photo of him as my avatar :)

oh, I wonder if the/my above sentence is true. I use "The photo of him" to mean the picture in which have the Einstein's face, not the picture that he owns

Yeah, I understand, you don't have to explain because the sentence itself has that meaning. The sentence which has the same meaning with "the picture that he owns" is "the picture of his" :D

12-03-2009, 14:22
wow, you are really number one, thanks so much. You highlighted the words a and eyes. Are that ones incorrect?

12-03-2009, 14:50
wow, you are really number one, thanks so much. You highlighted the words a and eyes. Are that ones incorrect?

lol "eyes" is the plural of "eye" so yeah that sentence is correct without "a"

12-03-2009, 16:45
oh, I see, such a mistake! we sometimes get a mistake that English children do :)

12-03-2009, 19:03
oh , I buy a 500 Gb HDD :D . If you live in Hanoi , you can go my home and copy .
U're welcome ^^

12-03-2009, 21:00
oh, I see, such a mistake! we sometimes get--->make a mistake that English children do :)

We use the structure: 'make mistake' not 'get mistake'. We're all big children :D

oh , I buy a 500 Gb HDD :D . If you live in Hanoi , you can go my home and copy .
U're welcome ^^

Really? Is it okay for me to come to your house to get those? lol Anyway, send me a list, I don't want to go and come back empty-handed lol. Just kidding! You don't have to make a list but if you have time, will you write some reviews? I want to know the content before watching it seriously.

13-03-2009, 12:43
Really? Is it okay for me to come to your house to get those? lol Anyway, send me a list, I don't want to go and come back empty-handed lol. Just kidding! You don't have to make a list but if you have time, will you write some reviews? I want to know the content before watching it seriously.

:( When I tranfer data form old HDD to new HDD . I met some Error and of coure some films is gone :buck:
Crouching Tiger.Hidden Dragon.2000
Into the Wild[2007]
Love Actually [2003]
Never.Back.Down[2008] <-- Stupid movie :no:
Taegukgi.Brotherhood Of War <-- With me , it's the most excellent film of Korea
The Girl Next Door (2004) <-- Very funny film :drool:
The Matrix Trilogy
The vertical ray of the sun <-- Film made by Vietnam and France with some song of Trinh Cong Son
Basic Instinct <-- Do you know Sharon Stone ?:lick:
Changeling[2008] <-- I don't like it .
I am Sam (2001)
Malena [2000]
The Sixth Sense [1999]
The Lord of the Rings - Extended Trilogy
The Shawshank Redemption[1994]

Some film of Zhang Yimou

Ju Dou
Raise the Red Lantern
To live

13-03-2009, 18:26
You have some interesting movies here :D I wish I could go and get it :)

I've already had some movies in the list but I think 240 GB could store more than that, you haven't listed it all, have you?

13-03-2009, 20:49
I don't have 240 GB film :D . Because , I have 30 Gb of music , 20 Gb for games... I think I have 100 Gb of film , but when I tranfer data , I lost one patition :(

13-03-2009, 21:57
I don't have 240 GB film :D . Because , I have 30 Gb of music , 20 Gb for games... I think I have 100 Gb of film , but when I transferred data , I lost one partition :(

Is there any way to get back the data that you've lost?
It's such a waste, isn't it?

13-03-2009, 23:33
Is there any way to get back the data that you've lost?
It's such a waste, isn't it?

I'm a lazy boy :lick:
I had a bad day . Everything made me crazy . I lost something very important with me ...

13-03-2009, 23:47
I'm a lazy boy :lick:
I had a bad day . Everything made me crazy . I lost something very important with me ...

lol Today's Friday 13rd after all :lick:
Not too bad for me even though I got a 7 on my Physic exam :D

13-03-2009, 23:59
The most thing I want to do : listening music

14-03-2009, 00:21
Listening to music is a good way to relax but it's getting late and my head set is no where to be found :(

14-03-2009, 00:52
Listening to music is a good way to relax but it's getting late and my head set is no where to be found :(

I live alone :yes: I like it

14-03-2009, 09:17
@chuyenly: You have good movies. I guess all of them are downloaded by torrent?
@blackholes: I thought you are a man. But after reading your previous posts, now I know you are a girl. Little surprise to me :) but it's ok.

14-03-2009, 18:32
I live alone :yes: I like it

Wow!:D You do everything on your own like cooking, washing dishes and clothes...? Awesome :)

@chuyenly: You have good movies. I guess all of them are downloaded by torrent?
@blackholes: I thought you are a man. But after reading your previous posts, now I know you are a girl. Little surprise to me:)but it's ok.

Yeah I'm a girl ;) I thought that it's easier to talk with you guys pretending that I'm a boy but I've made up my mind, I won't try to hide my true self anymore and I consider it as a challenge :D

14-03-2009, 19:08
Yeah I'm a girl ;) I thought that it's easier to talk with you guys pretending that I'm a boy but I've made up my mind, I won't try to hide my true self anymore and I consider it as a challenge :D

Good to see you tell the truth about yourself :D
Will you be a student last year? If true, what's your major you like to study?

14-03-2009, 20:33
Good to see you tell the truth about yourself :D
Will you be a student next year? If true, what's the major you like to study?

I'm at my last year in high school, I don't know if I will become a student yet but I'll try my best :D

I'm having a hard time deciding which university to apply for :( I really want to study computing science-related but I haven't decided yet, it's really a pain.

14-03-2009, 21:04
Wow!:D You do everything on your own like cooking, washing dishes and clothes...? Awesome :)

Yeah I'm a girl ;) I thought that it's easier to talk with you guys pretending that I'm a boy but I've made up my mind, I won't try to hide my true self anymore and I consider it as a challenge :D

No , I can cook very well but I'm very lazy :lick: I always have dinner in a restaurant near my house .
Do you like to study abroad ?

14-03-2009, 21:14
No , I can cook very well but I'm very lazy :lick: I always have dinner in a restaurant near my house .
Do you like to study abroad ?

:lick: You should have cooked for yourself more often, it'll be good for you when you're oversea :D

Of course I want to but it'll just be a dream of mine if I can't find myself a scholarship :( It must be really hard.

14-03-2009, 21:27
You can try some university in Northern Europe ( Sweden , Findland ... )
Their education is free !

14-03-2009, 21:34
why in my works do always success but my love was gotten always failure ??

14-03-2009, 21:37
why in my works do always success but my love was gotten always failure ??

Vietnamese often say :" Đỏ tình đen bạc " .

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

What the hell's going on ? Man U - Liv : 1-4 ><

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

In the end of April , I'm going to climb Fansipan with some friends . Anyone want to join our group ?

14-03-2009, 23:16
You can try some university in Northern Europe ( Sweden , Findland ... )
Their education is free !

Because it's free, it's even harder to get a scholarship :( I really want to study in Finland or Japan :D

I can't believe that MU lose the game when they're at Old Trafford, what a shame! :(

why in my works do always success but my love was gotten always failure ??

Success in something and fail in other are equivalent exchange though :D
One more thing, you're sentence is totally messed up. Well I suppose it's should be re-written like this:
Why do I always success in work but fail in love?

In the end of April , I'm going to climb Fansipan with some friends . Anyone want to join our group ?

Awww!!! I wish that I could go, but I definitely can't :crying:

15-03-2009, 12:32
Why do you want to study computing science ?

live 4u
15-03-2009, 14:27
Thank Chuyenly, Blackholes, Xupcua & ...!!!

I've read all of your replies^^. They're so great:yes:
You've done a really good job!:yes:

I wish you all always had good health & happiness to be real friends forever here. Good Friends Forever

We are Good Friends Forever

I love you all!!!

Thanks again!:banana::banana::banana:Thanksssssssssssssss ssssssssssssss:banana:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

why in my works do always success but my love was gotten always failure ??

Success in something and fail in other[/b[ are equivalent [b]exchange though :D

Great idea:yes: It's too hard to get all:lick:


15-03-2009, 15:08
Why do you want to study computing science ?

I myself wonder why :D Sometimes you don't need a reason to like something or someone, I guess.

Welcome back, live 4u, it's been a long time, isn't it?
It's fun to be friend with all of you :)

15-03-2009, 20:16
I myself wonder why :D Sometimes you don't need a reason to like something or someone, I guess.

Welcome back, live 4u, it's been a long time, isn't it?
It's fun to be friend with all of you :)

Welcome back , your avatar :lick:

15-03-2009, 20:52
Of course I want to but it'll just be a dream of mine if I can't find myself a scholarship :( It must be really hard.
Let's go to HUT, your dream'll come true after 1 year :)

15-03-2009, 21:06
Welcome back , your avatar :lick:

:D Yeah, I like this better, it's kind of annoying to see my face so often :)
I have something to ask you. Which state are you going to study in? When will you go?

Let's go to HUT, your dream'll come true after 1 year

Do you study at HUT? It's been my dream since I was at 6th grade:) But I'm afraid I can't make it for some reasons :(

15-03-2009, 21:43
PENNSYLVANIA and in the end of this year ,

15-03-2009, 22:07
wow, that soon? How does it feel to be in a totally strange place? I wonder.
I'm so envious of you :) Do you intent to stay there after finished your studying? It's a big state and there might be many chances for you.

15-03-2009, 22:12
wow, that soon? How does it feel to be in a totally strange place? I wonder.
I'm so envious of you :) Do you intent to stay there after finished your study? It's a big state and there might be many chances for you.

I don't have a plan :lick: I will travel around The USA lol

15-03-2009, 22:22
I don't have a plan :lick: I will travel around The USA lol

lol You'll do that after graduating, right? Don't play around too much, okay?

One more thing :D You shouldn't be lazy or you'll never get yourself a girl friend :lick:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

I wish I could study abroad, I'm getting tired of people keep asking me which university I'll apply for :(

15-03-2009, 22:45
lol You'll do that after graduating, right? Don't play around too much, okay?

One more thing :D You shouldn't be lazy or you'll never get yourself a girl friend :lick:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

I wish I could study abroad, I'm getting tired of people keep asking me which university I'll apply for :(
1. of coure , I'll do that after graduating .

2.Oh do u want to be my girlfriend :emlaugh: ?
3.Sorry , I won't ask you more lol
4. Don't say wish , let action !

15-03-2009, 23:05
1. of coure , I'll do that after graduating .

2.Oh do u want to be my girlfriend :emlaugh: ?
3.Sorry , I won't ask you more lol
4. Don't say wish , let action !

lol You don't have to apologize lol I don't like cooking and you're lazy even if you cook well, so who's gonna make meals lol That's why I advise you not to be so lazy, girls hate that :lick: And I know that you just asking me for fun :D

I don't like saying that either, can you give me some advices, I'm clueless about it.

15-03-2009, 23:09
lol You don't have to apologize lol I don't like cooking and you're lazy even if you cook well, so who's gonna make meals lol That's why I advise you not to be so lazy, girls hate that :lick: And I know that you just asking me for fun :D

I don't like saying that either, can you give me some advices, I'm clueless about it.

Can you tell me some reason ?
why do you want to overseas ?
Why dont you want to study in Vietnam ?

Or if you want , you can add my Yahoo!ID . And we can discuss about this topic .

15-03-2009, 23:41
Can you tell me some reason ?
why do you want to overseas ?
Why dont you want to study in Vietnam ?

It's quite simple for me :D
1. It's about the education quality, I want to study in a more active, creative and realistic environment. The knowledge I gain will give me better chance in work.
2. I want to be confident and independent. It's a big challenge, maybe I'll find other abilities of mine that I'm not aware of :D
3. The world is big, I want to open up my eyes :)
4. It's cool, isn't it?
Well you may find it childish but it's what's on my mind now.

15-03-2009, 23:44
It's quite simple for me :D
1. It's about the education quality, I want to study in a more active, creative and realistic environment. The knowledge I gain will give me better chance in work.
2. I want to be confident and independent. It's a big challenge, maybe I'll find other abilities of mine that I'm not aware of :D
3. The world is big, I want to open up my eyes :)
4. It's cool, isn't it?
Well you may find it childish but it's what's on my mind now.

No problem with me , but have problem with your parents ? Have you ever tell your parents : " I want to study overseas " ?

Obama Binladen
15-03-2009, 23:48
íp diu a nót ơ việt nam mi, đu diu ăn đơ sờ ten câu này?

16-03-2009, 00:00
No problem with me , but have problem with your parents ? Have you ever tell your parents : " I want to study overseas " ?

Well, I did and my parents said:"Do your best, dear" :D Anyway, it depends on my ability, financial condition and my health, too, it's really a big problem so I guess I'll take it slowly then :)

íp diu a nót ơ việt nam mi, đu diu ăn đơ sờ ten câu này?

lol Am ơ Việt nam míts sâu ai ăn đơ sờ ten lol
Man! It's bad for my mouth :lick:

16-03-2009, 00:05
Well, I did and my parents said:"Do your best, dear" :D Anyway, it depends on my ability, financial condition and my health, too, it's really a big problem so I guess I'll take it slowly then :)

Why don't you study barchelor in Vietnam and Master in overseas ?
It's a good way ?
Of course , I'll thinking about your question . I'll tell you some thing if I can :) Goodnight to you .

16-03-2009, 00:12
Why don't you study barchelor in Vietnam and Master in overseas ?
It's a good way ?
Of course , I'll thinking about your question . I'll tell you some thing if I can :) Goodnight to you .

I think so too :) I must study hard to graduate high school first :emlaugh:
Is that late already? I better go to bed now :D G9

Obama Binladen
16-03-2009, 00:16
I think so too :) I must study hard to graduate high school first :emlaugh:
Is that late already? I better go to bed now :D G9
What does G9 mean?

I just know a little about G7 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G7) and G8 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G8) only :D:D:D:D

16-03-2009, 00:20
What does G9 mean?

I just know about G7 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G7) and G8 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G8) only :D:D:D:D

lol G9 means 'Good night' lol
You have a funny name :)

Obama Binladen
16-03-2009, 00:28
lol G9 means 'Good night' lol
You have a funny name :)
Sorry, I'm stupid in English.

But hope you're a nice girl there :D

16-03-2009, 00:29
lol G9 means 'Good night' lol
You have a funny name :)

:clown::clown: G9 too !

16-03-2009, 06:32
What's up?
What are you all talking about ?

16-03-2009, 10:23
What's up?
What are you all talking about ?

Whatever you want.
Welcome to English chat in this forum :D

16-03-2009, 12:13
Sorry, I'm stupid in English.

But hope you're a nice girl there :D

lol I might disappoint you because I'm a really bad girl :D

Welcome!!! The more the merrier :)

16-03-2009, 12:15
lol I might disappoint you because I'm a really bad girl :D

Welcome!!! The more the merrier :)

Have a nice day :)

16-03-2009, 12:39
Thanks! The same to you :D

I had Literature class today, I was so sleepy that I couldn't keep my eyes open. My teacher must have seen it, but she didn't say a word. I can't help but feel guilty :(

16-03-2009, 17:57
I like literature but I don't like the way every teachers teach literature :)

16-03-2009, 21:28
I like literature but I don't like the way every teachers teach literature :)

I still remember how enjoyable the literature class was when I was in secondary school :) He the most wonderful teacher. But it's the past, now it's totally like hell for me to attend this class.

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Man! My internet connection, it drives me crazy!

17-03-2009, 01:03
G9 my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

17-03-2009, 16:17
I lost the handkerchief that my friends gave me on my birthday :crying: It's really important to me that it hurts.

Today we kick the shuttlecock :D it's really fun but after the game I feel so hot and I'm sweating all over, it's when I realize that my handkerchief is gone :(

This afternoon, I absent from my class because I had a terrible headache. My mom told me to stay at home and rest. Aww!!! So tiresome.

17-03-2009, 16:33
You must have meal on-time. Don't talk so much and watchi TV while taking the meal.

17-03-2009, 21:08
my head have some problem ...
Very tired ...

17-03-2009, 21:19
my head have some problem ...
Very tired ...

Ha ha maybe the cause of this is staying up too late? I guess :lick:

17-03-2009, 21:22
One day , Richard had a problem at work , so he went for a walk ...
A very long walk ...
He walked ...
down the stairs
out of the building
across the road
through the park
over the bridge
along the river
past a statue
up some steps
then he got into a taxi
which drove him from the river to the airport

And nobody ever saw him again

17-03-2009, 21:36
One day , Richard had a problem at work , so he went for a walk ...
A very long walk ...
He walked ...
down the stairs
out of the building
across the road
through the park
over the bridge
along the river
past a statue
up some steps
then he got into a taxi
which drove him from the river to the airport

And nobody ever saw him again

What's this story? Who's Richard? A friend of yours?

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

It will be a very long day, I don't want the morning to come...

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

It's quite desolate these days...

18-03-2009, 15:17
One day , tomorrow never come ....

18-03-2009, 15:56
One day , tomorrow never come ....

I don't wish for that day to come either :emlaugh:

18-03-2009, 17:38
I don't wish for that day to come either :emlaugh:

Today ...............................

18-03-2009, 17:44
Today ...............................

Are you kidding me? :D I don't want to lose a friend just yet and there are many good films that you haven't seen so...:)

18-03-2009, 23:46
Are you kidding me? :D I don't want to lose a friend just yet and there are many good films that you haven't seen so...:)

yes , of course . :emlaugh: Do you believe me :lick:

19-03-2009, 11:20
yes , of course . :emlaugh: Do you believe me :lick:

I'm simple-minded so I'm gonna take it seriously, things you said :D

Don't say it when you don't mean it, it gives me false hope :(...

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Where is everyone? It's becoming quiet here, I don't like it :(

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

People said that when you're fifteen, somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them but I'm eighteen already, why do I still want to believe it even if I know that it's just all said.

No one ever told me that sentence though :D

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Why does it keep merging posts?

Currently listen to Taylor Swift, she's so cool, songs she wrote are almost from her experiences or things she witnessed, I feel so true :D

20-03-2009, 16:39
Rainy day , the longest jouney

20-03-2009, 19:38
Rainy day , the longest journey

Don't you like it? You can be Richard now :D Keep walking...

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

I did some silly things. Sorry...

22-03-2009, 00:16
Keep moving forward :boxing:

22-03-2009, 18:55
Keep moving forward :boxing:

:) Moving to where? I'm disoriented :( I take an exam today and it seems to go well before receiving the Chemistry questions. It really is a disaster! I can't stand it :crying:

24-03-2009, 02:32
Em đến bên đời hoa vàng rực rỡ
Nào dễ chóng phai trong lòng nỗi nhớ
Ngày tháng trôi qua cơn đau mịt mù ...

Hoa Vàng Mấy Độ (http://www.binhminhmua.info/2009/03/hoa-vang-may-do/) - Trịnh Công Sơn (http://www.binhminhmua.info/category/mutilmedia/music/trinh-cong-son/)

My favourite song and my favourite song writer ...

24-03-2009, 12:50
Em đến bên đời hoa vàng rực rỡ
Nào dễ chóng phai trong lòng nỗi nhớ
Ngày tháng trôi qua cơn đau mịt mù ...

Hoa Vàng Mấy Độ (http://www.binhminhmua.info/2009/03/hoa-vang-may-do/) - Trịnh Công Sơn (http://www.binhminhmua.info/category/mutilmedia/music/trinh-cong-son/)

My favourite song and my favourite song writer ...

It's a beautiful song :D Thanks!

24-03-2009, 20:55
Seems that this thread is dominated by Blackholes and Chuyenly. Hehe.

25-03-2009, 14:39
Seems that this thread is dominated by Blackholes and Chuyenly. Hehe.

lol It's not like that at all. It's so desolate lately :( I think it'll be much more fun to have you around :D

Today the rain is really hard but I kind of like it :) Somehow I feel that it blows away all the sorrows of mine.

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Today I hand in my application form, it's really hard to decide which path you should follow :( I've never ever thought that I would give up my dream, I really am a coward. I should be thinking it over.

07-04-2009, 12:51
It's been a long time :D
This thread was pushed back to the 3rd page of this E-box and it's hard to find :) The exams are coming but I don't understand why I still feel so relax to the point that even I think that there must be something wrong with my brain. I wonder if I was born like that :(

07-04-2009, 13:05
It's been a long time :D
This thread was pushed back to the 3rd page of this E-box and it's hard to find :) The exams are coming but I don't understand why I still feel so relax to the point that even I think that there must be something wrong with my brain. I wonder if I was born like that :(

Don't worry lady! I used to be in your situation. While my classmates and other students were studying hard to pass the graduation exam - the last one of mine till now, I spent time going around IT forums to learn how to build a good IPB forum and personal website... And I never feel regretful for that...

4 years passed so quickly...

08-04-2009, 16:54
Well at least in that time you was able to learn something that good for you but I'm just playing around :crying: Time flies by and I'm sure that I'll regret it no matter what the outcome is.
I need something to hook me together.

08-04-2009, 17:24
Well at least in that time you was able to learn something that good for you but I'm just playing around :crying: Time flies by and I'm sure that I'll regret it no matter what the outcome is.
I need something to hook me together.

Relax yourself 1-2 day(s). Do nothing.
Think of the one who you always/often think of.
Spend some hours looking at their faces (through photo albums) or their souvenirs, reading their advices or notes... or do anything that can remind you of something...

Try to figure out what your short-term and long-term goals are.

09-04-2009, 13:51
Will it really be okay?
I'll do as you said and hope something good will come out :)
Life is just as hard, I guess I still have a long road to go instead of complaining :D
Thanks for your advices :) Sometimes I think that it's good to be grown-up :D

20-04-2009, 09:44
My question - that which at the age of fifty brought me to the verge of suicide - was the simplest of questions, lying in the soul of every man from the foolish child to the wisest elder: it was a question without an answer to which one cannot live, as I had found by experience. It was: “What will come of what I am doing today or shall do tomorrow? What will come of my whole life?”

Differently expressed, the question is: “Why should I live, why wish for anything, or do anything?” It can also be expressed thus: “Is there any meaning in my life that the inevitable death awaiting me does not destroy?”

It is no good deceiving oneself. It is all - vanity! Happy is he who has not been born: death is better than life, and one must free oneself from life.

A Confession
by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

20-04-2009, 21:35
Yup! The question seems to be simple but it takes one's life time to answer. I'm not experienced and don't know why people sometimes lose their hopes and a reason to keep on living but I think that life is harsh and beautiful at the same time. To have a dream and dare to live for it, what a wonderful thing it is.

There is a song that I heard a long time ago, it said:
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be

I'm happy to have been born into this world, to see the light, the people...

20-04-2009, 22:18
Yup! The question seems to be simple but it takes one's life time to answer. I'm not experienced and don't know why people sometimes lose their hopes and a reason to keep on living but I think that life is harsh and beautiful at the same time. To have a dream and dare to live for it, what a wonderful thing it is.

There is a song that I heard a long time ago, it said:
Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be

I'm happy to have been born into this world, to see the light, the people...

Oh~ I love this song :rolleyes: especially the verse, "The future's not ours, to see" :rolleyes:

Sorry for bad English :emlaugh:

20-04-2009, 22:37
Oh~ I love this song :rolleyes: especially the verse, "The future's not ours, to see" :rolleyes:

Sorry for bad English :emlaugh:

You don't have to apologize :D
Your English is not bad (I think) and even if that's the truth then it's not necessary either because we're both help each other improving :D

The song's name is Que Sera Sera, a quite old song eh? :)

20-04-2009, 22:48

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

I love this song and The Watchmen Movie :p

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.

Copyright ©1963; renewed 1991 Special Rider Music

20-04-2009, 23:03
Totally agree! Time flies by and everything changes, people too! We'd never know.
'For the times they are a-changin' Hix but I can't get this part, why there is an a- at that.

20-04-2009, 23:16

20-04-2009, 23:33

It takes me about 15 sec to open this page :emlaugh: Don't know why the speed is extremely slow today :(

Thanks but I still don't understand, forgive my stupidity :) Not a statement but likely a feeling eh?

20-04-2009, 23:49
You don't have to apologize :D
Your English is not bad (I think) and even if that's the truth then it's not necessary either because we're both help each other improving :D

The song's name is Que Sera Sera, a quite old song eh? :)

Uhm~ My favourite songs are country, oldie and something like that :) They have simple, easy to hear, sing and remember lyrics :rolleyes: unlike modern musics, they are hard, superficial, and easy to forget...

:fear: mù chữ rùi...

21-04-2009, 00:04
Uhm~ My favourite songs are country, oldie and something like that :) They have--->are simple, easy to hear, sing and remember lyrics :rolleyes: unlike modern musics, they are hard, superficial, and easy to forget...

:fear: mù chữ rùi...

Yeah, you have a point here but I think that modern music is interesting too. I'm not into one kind of music, sometimes country, sometimes rock, punk, pop, blues and even Yellow music(?) :) but mainly punk, I think it suits me :D My parents complain and wonder what kind of music that so noisy lol I don't care, it makes me comfortable and that's all there to it.*turns up the volume* :) live up the moment a bit :D

tái mù chữ hả bác? lol

21-04-2009, 00:54
Yeah, you have a point here but I think that modern music is interesting too. I'm not into one kind of music, sometimes country, sometimes rock, punk, pop, blues and even Yellow music(?) :) but mainly punk, I think it suits me :D My parents complain and wonder what kind of music that so noisy lol I don't care, it makes me comfortable and that's all there to it.*turns up the volume* :) live up the moment a bit :D

tái mù chữ hả bác? lol

:crying: did you have reason to believe my bad English is the truth?

Maybe I'm younger than you but if someone knows about my favourite musics, I'm sure they won't think so :innocent:

21-04-2009, 12:32
:crying: did you have reason to believe my bad English is the truth?

Maybe I'm younger than you but if someone knows about my favourite musics, I'm sure they won't think so :innocent:

I do not think that your E is bad, it's just that you should pay more attention to detail :D

I don't really get you here, think about what :confused:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

I'm currently listening to Susan Boyle-I dream a dream.


She's awesome! I admire not only her beautiful voice but her strong will. I believe normally when people reach the age of forty-seven they'll just accept things as it is and don't have the courage to go on stage. Seeing her and listen to her makes me have faith in life, age, appearance, education level, all those things aren't matter, there must be something that we can do well :D

Susan Boyle, you're incredible!

29-04-2009, 21:13
:( I did terribly on my second term English test. I feel so depressed, I want to go out but it rains all day long :(

Fan of BH
26-05-2009, 09:23
:( I did terribly on my second term English test. I feel so depressed, I want to go out but it rains all day long :(

I'm very sorry, blackholes!:(
I'm not here in time to share your feeling.
Are you ok now?

have a nice day:banana: :banana: :banana:

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]


It is no good deceiving oneself. It is all - vanity! Happy is he who has not been born: death is better than life, and one must free oneself from life.

It IS not good at all to deceive oneself. But we can't die foverer, right? We will grow up from dust again, so I do think we should find a way to die forever.
For example, drive the earth into the sun.

Let’s think of the best way to do right away!!

27-05-2009, 20:45
MU wins. Or I'll be off tomorrow!

07-08-2009, 18:16
I was not read this thread many time ago. Today, i search my name on google and i see this thread again :). I comeback and write some words. Compare the past and present, my english is equal :). I still bad in grammar, writing, speaking. I just can read and understand english for IT. The major that i learn. I graduated at 06/2009, now i am searching a job about network / system administrator. but it is difficult for me. They require experience and other, i believe that my knowledge is enough for them work. Hix, life is not simple.

10-08-2009, 16:59
It's been a long time since the last time I visited this page :)

Have you all been doing well? I've gotten into a university and there are sooo many things that I have to learn. I think I'll face it head on :D

@lamthao: Yeah life sure is not simple but I wish you would never stop trying and enjoy your life to the fullest :yes:

14-02-2010, 16:44
Helo everybody!
I comeback. Today, i search my name again in Google. This thread show up to me. I visit and read some my previous posts. My english is not good from the past. My grammar still very bad. But have some change. Currently, i work at Dang khoa but i don't like this job. After the TET holiday, i will write resignation letter. Hmmm, "Life is full of hard choice, how to make the right choice?" These days, this sentence appear in my mind whenever i think. I don't know this is a right/bad choice.

14-02-2010, 23:16
Helo everybody!
I comeback. Today, i search my name again in Google. This thread show up to me. I visit and read some my previous posts. My english is not good from the past. My grammar still very bad. But have some change. Currently, i work at Dang khoa but i don't like this job. After the TET holiday, i will write resignation letter. Hmmm, "Life is full of hard choice, how to make the right choice?" These days, this sentence appear in my mind whenever i think. I don't know this is a right/bad choice.
There is nothing right/wrong especially the career option. If furious of the current position, you should analyze:
- The current position match your skill?
- Relation with colleagues are good enough?
- How about promotion?
- Do you identify any option after your resignation?

15-02-2010, 00:10
There is nothing right/wrong especially the career option. If furious of the current position, you should analyze:
- The current position match your skill?
- Relation with colleagues are good enough?
- How about promotion?
- Do you identify any option after your resignation?
The reason: This job isn't to be fit my expectation. It doesn't give me more experience. I learn to become an system/network administrator but currently i work as a warranty staff. Hjx, this is my shame. I don't know why i work at Dang Khoa for along times, maybe money. After resignation, i am going to learn and 2 week ago, i received a phone call from HR department of BKIS Telecom. They said, they will call me back for the test and an interview with me in this Feb. But whatever i unemployed, i will not work for Dang Khoa. I don't want to be a warranty staff. I want to become an system/network administrator, the major that i learn. The purpose when i learn and join this group "CMGroupvn" (navigate to http://www.cmgroupvn.com for more information). Can someone check my grammar?

[=========> Bổ sung bài viết <=========]

Anyone translate "Học liên thông" into english, please

15-02-2010, 16:55
From lamthao:

The reason: This job isn't to be fit my expectation. It doesn't give me more experience. I learn to become an system/network administrator but currently i work as a warranty staff. Hjx, this is my shame. I don't know why i work at Dang Khoa for along times, maybe money. After resignation, i am going to learn and 2 week ago, i received a phone call from HR department of BKIS Telecom. They said, they will call me back for the test and an interview with me in this Feb. But whatever i unemployed, i will not work for Dang Khoa. I don't want to be a warranty staff. I want to become an system/network administrator, the major that i learn. The purpose when i learn and join this group "CMGroupvn" (navigate to http://www.cmgroupvn.com for more information). Can someone check my grammar?

Below is the correction in my opinion:

Here is my reason: that job doesn't fit my goal. It doesn't give me the experience that I need. I have trained to be a system/network administrator but right now, I am a warranty technician. Hic, I feel shameful about it. I still don't know why I could work for Dang Khoa for such long time, perhaps because I need their money. After resignating, I went back to school. 2 weeks ago, I received a call from HR department of BKIS Telecom. They told me that they will call me back to schedule an interview in this February. However, I will not work for Dang Khoa anymore, even if I don't have a job. I don't want to be a warranty technician. I only want to be a system/network administrator, because that is my major. That's why I have joined the group "CMGroupvn" (navigate to http://www.cmgroupvn.com for more information).

"Học liên thông" nghĩa là gì? Bạn có thể giải thích rõ hơn được không? Tôi không biết từ này.

15-02-2010, 23:56
@dinhvantran: Thanks for your correction. My grammar is bad bad very bad, but i feel everybody can understand what i say. hehe
Mình muốn nói: "Tôi dự định học liên thông lên ĐH"

16-02-2010, 05:18
Tôi muốn hỏi ý nghĩa của từ "học liên thông." Hồi còn ở VN, tôi không hề thấy từ này.

16-02-2010, 08:16
Tôi muốn hỏi ý nghĩa của từ "học liên thông." Hồi còn ở VN, tôi không hề thấy từ này.
That is a kinda joint degree. Students will be taught in Vietnam for 1-2 year and get some advance standing. Then, he will go overseas to finish other 2-3 years to fulfill for the award.
Pros: economic viability (for first 1-2 years)
Cons: in thế first 1-2 years:
- Standard in Vietnamese universities may not compliance to the target institutions.
- English teaching in those is crappy

16-02-2010, 21:04
I have not seen anything like that in the US. In my opinion, we can translate "Toi du dinh hoc lien thong len Dai Hoc" to "I plan to get my 4-year degree by joint-schooling." However, I am not sure about that. Sorry!

16-02-2010, 21:59
I have not seen something like that in the US. In my opinion, we can translate "Toi du dinh hoc lien thong len Dai Hoc" to "I plan to get my 4-year degree by joint-schooling." However, I am not sure about that. Sorry!
I should say thank to you. I plan to write the last mail that say "good bye" to my company by english. At that time, i need your help, can you help me? :D