View Full Version : test 5 đay

26-07-2003, 15:36
1 we wont get to the airport in less than 30 minutes
it will...............30 minutes to get to the airport

2 despire knowing the area well, i got loss
i got lost................the area well
3 i tried to talk to jack about the problem but he was too busy
i tried to................. about the problem but he was too busy
4 i dont mind which the film we see ' i said
i said that ....................me which the film we saw
5 you have already lied to me once day
this is not the first..........................me today

viết lại câu cho đúng với từ tui cho nha

27-07-2003, 17:25
1.it will take us at least 30minute........
2.i got lost eventhough i had known the area well
3.i tried to say a work to jack about...
4.i said that no matter with mewhich....
5.this is not the first time you 've lied to me today

27-07-2003, 17:47
this is the answer
1.it will take us at least 30..
2.i got lot eventhough i had known the .
3.i tried to say a word to jack about...
4.i said that no matter with me which...
5.this is not the first time you 've lied tome..