View Full Version : Cảnh báo về SPAM mail giả mạo CNN và MSNBC

20-08-2008, 10:46
Hôm nay nhận được thông điệp cảnh báo về tình hình spam mail giả mạo CNN và MSNBC liên quan đến cập nhật Adobe Flash player, mọi người đọc và chú ý nhé:

Dear Valued Customer,

We'd like to provide you with an update on recent spam attacks.

Our message security vendor has advised us on high volumes of bogus CNN and MSNBC messages that contain links to download malware. Spammers have copied the contents of CNN and MSNBC alerts and substituted a link that prompts users to upgrade to a new version of a fake Adobe Flash player.

The security service has detected and blocked the vast majority of these attacks, and continues to release protections to stop the new mutations. Their capture rate is over 99%; however, the attack volumes are so large (in the hundreds of millions of messages) that a 1% pass through rate means that a few messages may end up in your inbox.

For best security practices, if you see any CNN, MSNBC, or suspicious news alert messages:

Do not deliver these messages from your Message Center or Quarantine Summary.
Delete these messages from your inbox.
Do not click on any links in the messages.
If you need to access CNN or MSNBC content, visit the website directly.

Please be assured that our security service considers virus and spam protection as their highest priority, and continues to be on the cutting edge against new spam attacks and tactics.
