View Full Version : help msconfig

04-07-2003, 08:35
The MSDOS.SYS la file an he thong de o thu muc goc co mot so du lieu ban co the dung de thay doi file
Luon lam mot file back de phong hau het gia tri cua chung la 1 huac 0 huac on huac off
Entry Description
- [Paths] section -
HostWinBootDrv=C Thu muc goc tai o c
WinBootDir= Dia chi cua file start up
WinDir= Dia chi cua thu muc win
- [Options] Section -
AutoScan= Cho phep tu dong scandisk dia cung neu may tat dot ngot. Gia tri mac dinh la 1. de gia tri la 0 thi khong chay. Dat gia tri la 1 prompts nguoi dung co the chay scan (scan chay neu khong co phim nao an trong vong 60 giay). Voi gt la 2 cho phep tu dong (no prompt).
BootConfig= Allow processing of the current boot setup. Setting the value to 0 performs and alternate boot setup. Setting the value to 1 performs the current boot setup.
BootMulti= Allows booting to previous operation system. MÆc ®Þnh lµ 0. Setting this to 1 allows you to press F4 to start your previous version of DOS or F8 to use the startup Menu.
BootDelay=n Che do nay cho dung n giay truoc khi chay win. Cho ban thoi gian an F4 or F8 gia tri mac dinh la 2 giay
BootMenu= Cho phep tu dong hien thi menu chon start cua win. Mac dinh la 0 phai an F8 moi vao. Doi thanh 1 ban co the chon khong can an F8
BootMenuDefault cho phép hiển thị số giây của Windows Startup menu truớc khi chạy the default menu item mÆc ®Þnh lµ 30s
BootMenuDelay=# cho phép hiển thị số giây Windows Startup menu truớc khi chạy default menu item. mÆc ®Þnh lµ 30s
BootSafe= Force safe mode startup MÆc ®Þnh lµ 0. Setting to 0 will disable this feature, 1 will enable it.
BootKeys= This enables the startup option keys (F5, F6, F8). MÆc ®Þnh lµ 1. Setting this to 0 prevents any startup keys from functioning.
BootGUI= ChÕ ®é tù ®éng vµo Win. MÆc ®Þnh lµ 1 nÕu lµ 0 th× boot tõ dos. Nõu ®¸nh "WIN" th× vµo win
LoadTop= Load COMMAND.COM or DRVSPACE.BIN at top of conventional memory.
Logo= HiÓn thÞ logo. MÆc ®Þnh lµ 1
BootWarn= Cho phÐp vµo chÕ ®é safe kh«ng cÇn th«ng b¸o. MÆc ®Þnh lµ 1
DblSpace= Load DBLSPACE.BIN module. MÆc ®Þnh lµ 1
DoubleBuffer= Enables loading of a double-buffering driver for a SCSI controller, if required. MÆc ®Þnh lµ 0
DisableLog= T¹o BOOTLOG.TXT upon bootup. MÆc ®Þnh lµ 1.
DrvSpace= Load DRVSPACE.BIN module (if present). MÆc ®Þnh lµ 1.
Network= Ch¹y Safe Mode trong m¹ng nh­ mét menu tuú chän. MÆc ®Þnh lµ 1 víi mäi m¸y tÝnh ®ùoc cµI m¹ng
SystemReg= Scan System Registry modules trªn thanh startup. Víi 1 cã thÓ, 0 kh«ng thÓ
WinVer= HiÓn thÞ Windows version. Víi 1 cã thÓ, 0 kh«ng thÓ
Vi du

;The following lines are required for compatibility with other programs.
;Do not remove them (MSDOS.SYS needs to be >1024 bytes).
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05-07-2003, 07:58
sao chẳng đọc được gì cả.

05-07-2003, 09:33
bac mod này nói hay nhỉ không biết bác bảo thế có nghĩa là như thế nào vậy. mod mà phát ngôn bừa bãi thế vậy