View Full Version : giờ phải làm sao

nhac khong loi
02-08-2008, 23:49
site em mới làm có 5 ngày , mang đi đăng kí thằng này, thì nhận được mail này

If you get a significant amount of US search engine traffic (users coming directly from any major search engine), you should use our Chitika|Premium ads. These ads are behaviorally targeted to show to your US search engine traffic (and certain other traffic): *This code works BEST when placed directly above or below your article titles (or right near the top of your page content)! Copy the following code into your HTML template to get started:

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
ch_client = "************";
ch_type = "mpu";
ch_width = 468;
ch_height = 180;
ch_non_contextual = 4;
ch_vertical ="premium";
ch_default_category = "200001";
ch_sid = "Chitika Premium";
var ch_queries = new Array( );
var ch_selected=Math.floor((Math.random()*ch_queries.l ength));
if ( ch_selected < ch_queries.length ) {
ch_query = ch_queries[ch_selected];
<script src="http://scripts.chitika.net/eminimalls/amm.js" type="text/javascript">
<!--This unit is hidden on your page, and will only display to your US search engine traffic (and certain other traffic).
To preview the ad: paste the code up on your site. Then add #chitikatest=mortgage to the
end of your URL in your browser's address bar - Example: www.yourwebsite.com#chitikatest=mortgage.
Now press enter, then refresh the page. This will show you what the ad would
look like to a user who is interested in "mortgages." -->
If you do NOT get a significant amount of US search engine traffic, then you should choose one of our other ad units which will be able to monetize your site better!

Popular Questions & Answers:

How do I access my account?

To log in to your Chitika account, go to https://chitika.com/affiliate/user.php and enter the following information:

03-08-2008, 00:55
ặc, chả hiểu gì cả bác à, dốt tiếng anh