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07-09-2002, 14:13
Hot Files ! Go here to download:


TC 201 Zip-1074 Kb Turbo C v2.01 by Borland !!
Complete version of the C compiler, now free from Borland.
962 Kb Turbo Pascal v5.5 by Borland !!
Complete version of the Pascal compiler, now free from Borland.
7996 Kb Windows Development toolkit 4.0
Dev-C++ is a full-featured integrated development environment (IDE), which is able to create Windows or console-based C/C++ programs using the Mingw compiler system (version MSCVRT 2.95.2-1 included with this package), or the Cygwin compiler. It can also handle the Insight Debugger, which you ca...
138 Kb ASSEMBLY language tools collection containing
Assembly language reference guide,symbolic debugger, Interactive 8086 Disassembler,
3 Kb C programming for the complete newbie
This is a UNIX formated textfile , so it can look like a mess in some editors.
18 Kb Some Introductory C++ Code Examples
These are a couple of entry-level C++ programs I wrote when I learned to program in C++.
41 Kb Utillity Pack v1.0
Tons Of UseFull Stuff..! All Sources Included! (C/Asm) (Scrolling, Compression, Conversion, renaming files...)
1917 Kb File Formats Encyclopedia v2.0
A MUST HAVE for professional programmers! Over 300 formats layouts including: graphics, sound, animation, mods, database, text, executables, communication and much more!
82 Kb What is ``Object-Oriented Programming''?
(.PDF file)
153 Kb TCP/IP internet programming examples

9 Kb How to begin programming in C/C++

13 Kb TRACE 4.1, Disassembler, Debugger, Tracer
This software offers to programmers the entire knowledge to program a PC, to find out what is it hidden behind interrupt number 10h (video) for instance but also to find out the secret of the hardware interrupt, and hence, to discover the undocumented DOS and BIOS. TRACE 4.1 is the ideal companion o...
23 Kb C++ sources for ****** communication

49 Kb FTP Client in VBasic with source

14 Kb Understanding pointers (for beginners)

8 Kb Fake CD
fakecd is a program that simulates a CD-ROM drive with a directory of a hard drive. Its intended purpose is to allow running of CD-based software entirely from a hard drive.
314 Kb Assembler Laboratory V1.3 Beta 1
A very good assembler and Watcom C IDE with a lot of very useful features. Now with full Watcom C/C++ support! Pentium Instruction Scheduler (pipelining info,AGI's,clock cycle info, FPU overlap), Files up to 64Mb, label jumps, syntax(Asm/C) & error highlighting, proc, macro & data browsers, proj...
27 Kb I/O port debugging tool, with C source code
PORT is a tool written to facilitate working with I/O ports on the PC or Intel processor-based hardware. It has many uses.
249 Kb Turbo pascal reference a free book
Welcome to the Turbo Pascal Reference, an electronic freeware book. This reference book is divided into ten chapters, providing detailed reference information to Turbo Pascal 6.0, Turbo Pascal 7.0, Borland Pascal, and Turbo Vision. Chapter 1 contains information about this book, why it was created, ...
121 Kb C and C++ language tricks for TURBO C..

79 Kb How to writing an IRC client in Visual Basic

ASM Libraries, Snipets & Source Compilation! includes routines for: Advanced graphics for HGA, CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA, Xmode, etc., FAST disk I/O, easy keyboard/screen I/O, EMS/XMS/ VMS, accessing, system info, advanced math, complex data types, pull down menu's, popup windows, buffered file I/O, mouse...
45 Kb ****** Communication programming examples in Windows

8 Kb ****** Port Driver And Source Code
A simple, low-level, interrupt driven comm driver for Turbo/Borland C. No assembly required!
1953 Kb Visual Assembler 0.5012a
A 32-bit, Win32 visual assembler IDE that works with MASM, TASM, NASM. Complete assembler syntax editor and highlighter, Win32 API tooltip help as you type, unlimited file sizes for all projects and groups, super fast editor, project manager, compiler/linker output, object inspector, function li...

23-01-2003, 15:59
bạn có mã nguồn về int 13h kg?

25-01-2003, 19:14
Ban có thể tham khảo tại các links sau đây :
Vào đây download Zip file về nghiên cứu ứng dụng mã nguồn của nó nha :
Vào đây tìm hiểu về Int 13 H nha , Web này rất nổi tiếng có trên 4 triệu người vào xem
http://www.clipx.net/ nhưng sợ bạn không tím ra nên tôi ghi ra cái link này trực tiếp vào data base của nó http://www.clipx.net/ng/asm/ng8002f.php
Nếu bị lỗi khi set up Int 13 H bạn có thể vào tạm site này để tìm hiểu :
Nếu muốn tìm hiều vế cách convert đảo ngược trị số Drive letter sang MS Dos Int 13 H drive number thì nghiên cứu trang Web base của MS
Vào đây để xem code của nó :
Hoặc xem tại đây:
Code Sample
// Code in the 32-bit DLL

// Prototype for function in 16-bit DLL.
BOOL FAR PASCAL ReadPhysicalSector1 (BYTE bDrive,
LPBYTE lpBuffer,
DWORD cbBuffSize);


Reads the first sector of the first hard disk.

Return Value
Returns TRUE if the first sector was read, and FALSE if it
__declspec(dllexport) BOOL WINAPI CallReadPhysicalSector1()
char lpBuff[512];
BOOL fResult;

// Read the first sector of the first hard disk.
fResult = ReadPhysicalSector1 (0x80, lpBuff, 512);

if (fResult)
// lpBuff contains the sector data. Use it here

return fResult;

// Thunk Script

enablemapdirect3216 = true;

typedef unsigned long DWORD;
typedef unsigned char BYTE, * LPBYTE;
typedef bool BOOL;

BOOL ReadPhysicalSector1 (BYTE bDrive,
LPBYTE lpBuffer,
DWORD cbBuffSize)
lpBuffer = inout;

// Code in the 16-bit DLL

// Converts two BYTEs into a WORD. This is useful for working with
// a RMCS, but was not provided in WINDOWS.H.

//#define MAKEWORD(low, high) \
((WORD)((((WORD)(high)) << 8) | ((BYTE)(low))))

#define SECTOR_SIZE 512 // Size, in bytes, of a disk sector
#define CARRY_FLAG 0x0001


typedef struct tagRMCS
DWORD edi, esi, ebp, RESERVED, ebx, edx, ecx, eax;
WORD wFlags, es, ds, fs, gs, ip, cs, sp, ss;

BOOL FAR PASCAL SimulateRM_Int (BYTE bIntNum, LPRMCS lpCallStruct);
void FAR PASCAL BuildRMCS (LPRMCS lpCallStruct);
BOOL FAR PASCAL __export ReadPhysicalSector1 (BYTE bDrive,
LPBYTE lpBuffer,
DWORD cbBuffSize);


Calls DPMI to call the BIOS Int 13h Read Track function to read the
first physical sector of a physical drive. This function is used to
read partition tables, for example.

The Int 13h device unit,
0x00 for floppy drive 0
0x00 for floppy drive 1
0x80 for physical hard disk 0
0x81 for physical hard disk 1

Pointer to a buffer that receives the sector data. The buffer
must be at least SECTOR_SIZE bytes long.

Actual size of lpBuffer.

Return Value
Returns TRUE if the first sector was read into the buffer pointed
to by lpBuffer, or FALSE otherwise.

Assumes that sectors are at least SECTOR_SIZE bytes long.

BOOL FAR PASCAL __export ReadPhysicalSector1 (BYTE bDrive,
LPBYTE lpBuffer,
DWORD cbBuffSize)
BOOL fResult;
RMCS callStruct;
DWORD gdaBuffer; // Return value of GlobalDosAlloc().
LPBYTE RMlpBuffer; // Real-mode buffer pointer
LPBYTE PMlpBuffer; // Protected-mode buffer pointer

Validate params:
bDrive should be int 13h device unit -- let the BIOS validate
this parameter -- user could have a special controller with
its own BIOS.
lpBuffer must not be NULL
cbBuffSize must be large enough to hold a single sector

if (lpBuffer == NULL || cbBuffSize < SECTOR_SIZE)
return FALSE;

Allocate the buffer that the Int 13h function will put the sector
data into. As this function uses DPMI to call the real-mode BIOS, it
must allocate the buffer below 1 MB, and must use a real-mode
paragraph-segment address.

After the memory has been allocated, create real-mode and
protected-mode pointers to the buffer. The real-mode pointer
will be used by the BIOS, and the protected-mode pointer will be
used by this function because it resides in a Windows 16-bit DLL,
which runs in protected mode.

gdaBuffer = GlobalDosAlloc (cbBuffSize);

if (!gdaBuffer)
return FALSE;

RMlpBuffer = (LPBYTE)MAKELONG(0, HIWORD(gdaBuffer));
PMlpBuffer = (LPBYTE)MAKELONG(0, LOWORD(gdaBuffer));

Initialize the real-mode call structure and set all values needed
to read the first sector of the specified physical drive.

BuildRMCS (&callStruct);

callStruct.eax = 0x0201; // BIOS read, 1 sector
callStruct.ecx = 0x0001; // Sector 1, Cylinder 0
callStruct.edx = MAKEWORD(bDrive, 0); // Head 0, Drive #
callStruct.ebx = LOWORD(RMlpBuffer); // Offset of sector buffer
callStruct.es = HIWORD(RMlpBuffer); // Segment of sector buffer

Call Int 13h BIOS Read Track and check both the DPMI call
itself and the BIOS Read Track function result for success. If
successful, copy the sector data retrieved by the BIOS into the
caller's buffer.

if (fResult = SimulateRM_Int (0x13, &callStruct))
if (!(callStruct.wFlags & CARRY_FLAG))
_fmemcpy (lpBuffer, PMlpBuffer, (size_t)cbBuffSize);
fResult = TRUE;
fResult = FALSE;

// Free the sector data buffer this function allocated
GlobalDosFree (LOWORD(gdaBuffer));

return fResult;


Allows protected mode software to execute real mode interrupts such
as calls to DOS TSRs, DOS device drivers, etc.

This function implements the "Simulate Real Mode Interrupt" function
of the DPMI specification v0.9.

Number of the interrupt to simulate

Call structure that contains params (register values) for

Return Value
SimulateRM_Int returns TRUE if it succeeded or FALSE if it

lpCallStruct is a protected-mode selector:offset address, not a
real-mode segment:offset address.

BOOL FAR PASCAL SimulateRM_Int (BYTE bIntNum, LPRMCS lpCallStruct)
BOOL fRetVal = FALSE; // Assume failure

_asm {
push di

mov ax, 0300h ; DPMI Simulate Real Mode Int
mov bl, bIntNum ; Number of the interrupt to simulate
mov bh, 01h ; Bit 0 = 1; all other bits must be 0
xor cx, cx ; No words to copy
les di, lpCallStruct
int 31h ; Call DPMI
jc END1 ; CF set if error occurred
mov fRetVal, TRUE
pop di
return (fRetVal);


Initializes a real mode call structure to contain zeros in all its

Points to a real mode call structure

lpCallStruct is a protected-mode selector:offset address, not a
real-mode segment:offset address.

void FAR PASCAL BuildRMCS (LPRMCS lpCallStruct)
_fmemset (lpCallStruct, 0, sizeof (RMCS));

Chúc thành công !
Saigon 75
Phụ chú : Nếu bạn đụng vào BIOS data thì nên BACK UP tất cả trước khi làm những sự thay đổi !

24-10-2007, 22:22
Ai có sách về Cấu trúc dữ liệu lập trình trên C++ không ?
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