View Full Version : cài thêm 1 số soft cho server linux

15-12-2007, 14:00
em có ý định cài scripts clipshare
nó yêu cầu như sau:

1) Linux Server (some old distributions are not supported)
2) Apache Web Server
3) MySQL (version 4 or higher)
4) PHP (version 4.3 or higher)
PHP Configuration:
safe_mode = off
register_argc_argv = on
open_basedir = (no value)
output_buffering = on
upload_max_filesize = 200M (recommended maximum video upload size in
post_max_size = 200M (recommended maximum video upload size in MB)
5) GD Library 2 or higher
6) FFmpeg (http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu)
7) Mplayer + Mencoder (http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html)
8) flv2tool (http://inlet-media.de/flvtool2)
9) Libogg + Libvorbis (http://www.xiph.org/downloads)
10) LAME MP3 Encoder (http://lame.sourceforge.net)
11) CGI-BIN Access
12) Apache mod_rewrite Enabled
13) Must be able to run PHP from the command line (CLI) with exec()
14) Allowed execution of background processes with exec( binary > /dev/null & )

$config['ffmpeg'] = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg';
This is the full path to FFmpeg module. No ending slash.
$config['mplayer'] = '/usr/local/bin/mplayer';
This is the full path to Mplayer module. No ending slash.
$config['mencoder'] = '/usr/local/bin/mencoder';
This is the full path to Mencoder module. No ending slash.
$config['metainject'] = '/usr/local/bin/flvtool2';
This is the full path to FLVTool2 module. No ending slash.

Em có thể tự cài các module đó mà ko cần contact support dc ko? nếu dc thì làm như thế nào?

16-12-2007, 10:28
Hỏi thế này thì bó tay rồi, lên trang chủ đọc hướng dẫn là xong.

16-05-2008, 22:15
mấy cái này cài được cho cả shared hosting.

17-05-2008, 13:58
Định làm server chứa video à bạn