View Full Version : Tin mới từ Widget Bucks

26-10-2007, 15:36
Dear WidgetBucks Publisher,

One of the concerns we've heard from many of you has been the slow loading times of our widgets. We really appreciate your feedback and comments in helping us improve in this area. So, today we addressed this issue by rolling out new code that ultimately delivers faster loading widgets.

It is very important to note that this update will require action on your part. You will need to update code of your existing widgets for the speedier load times to take affect on your site, blog or network. Know that changing the code will not impact earnings for any of your widgets.

Here are the two steps you'll need to follow:

1. Sign-in to http://widgetbucks.com and go to My Widgets
2. For each active widget, simply edit and re-copy the code block into your site or blog (the same steps you went through when you created the widgets originally)

Another option for updating code is to utilize the new categories and ad sizes we've incorporated over the last few weeks. Modifying a widget's size or category -- or creating an entirely new widget for that matter -- will generate the new code that can then be re-copied to your site or blog.

Also, if you have questions specific to your WidgetBucks account, email us at help [at] widgetbucks [dot] com. We will do our best to back to you within 24 hours. If you have a general comment or need something clarified that can help you and perhaps other publishers, feel free to post a comment on this blog.

Thanks again for using WidgetBucks.

The WidgetBucks Team

WidgetBucks.com | 1725 Westlake Ave N Ste 203, Seattle, Wa 98109 | Click here to unsubscribe

26-10-2007, 15:38
Đây là tin mình nhận được qua email của nó gửi cho mình. Có vẻ như nó cũng đã nghe thấy mọi người bàn tán về việc đặt banner của nó lên làm chậm site. Nó đã có phản ứng và đã có thay đổi.

Nếu ai đang đặt code của WB trên site hay blog thì hãy vào update lại code mới để load nhanh hơn.

26-10-2007, 15:45
cái này và cái em post về nó việc nó ko cho site không phải TA tham gia nữa đều trên blog của nó đấy, các bác cứ vô mà xem, em cạc 3 đời thằng này