View Full Version : crystal report PROBLEM

30-08-2002, 13:15
có ai biết về crystal report không? Cho tôi hỏi thăm chút !
Làm thế nào để nhúng 1 crystal report vào 1 form ( cho tôi biết code ).
Gấp gấp nhé !
Thanks !:

31-08-2002, 12:14
Van de cua ban la:
1. Lam sao chay duoc mot file .rpt tu VB de tao bao cao
2. Hien thi bao cao
Voi 1. ban dung mot control CrystalReport (crystl32.ocx) dat duong dan file bao cao(property .ReportFileName ie "c:\myrpt.rpt"), connection (property .Connect), cach thuc tao bao cao (.Destination ie. crptToFile) cho no, neu bao cao co tham so thi dat tham so+gia tri vao .Destination .StoredProcParam cua no(.Destination nay kieu mang, 2 chieu: chieu 1 la index, chieu 2 la gia tri), dat kieu+ten file export (property .PrintFileType, .PrintFileName) sau do de tao bao cao thi dat .Action=1
Voi 2. ban co tuy theo 1 ban export ra kieu file nao ma co hien thi tuong ung. Neu export ra kieu text ban co the su dung text box voi thuoc tinh (multi - line=true) de hien thi file da export, richtext thi su dung richtextbox,...
Dac biet voi kieu la crystal report viewer thi ban co the su dung control cua no de view
hoac su dung code nhu sau:
Sub ShowReportFile()
Dim strReportFile As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim intFile As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
FileName = SelectedRpt
FileName = FileName + sm.TellerID + EXT_RESULT_REPORT
If Len(Dir(strDirResultReport + "\" + FileName)) = 0 Then
fraPrgr.Visible = False
Msg "Kh«ng cã d÷ liÖu kÕt qu¶ b¸o c¸o", Caption
Exit Sub
End If
'§äc d÷ liÖu
intFile = FreeFile
fraPrgr.Visible = True
Open strDirResultReport + "\" + FileName For Binary As #intFile
strReportFile = Input(LOF(intFile), 1)
Close (intFile)
MousePointer = vbHourglass
If rptAutomation Is Nothing Then
Set rptAutomation = CreateObject("Crystal.CRPE.Application")
End If
intFile = FreeFile
FileName = GetShortNameRPT + sm.TellerID
If Len(Dir(strDirResultReport + "\" + FileName)) > 0 Then
SetAttr strDirResultReport + "\" + FileName, vbNormal
Kill strDirResultReport + "\" + FileName
End If
strReportFile = UnCompressData(Decrypt(strReportFile, sm.TellerID))
Open strDirResultReport + "\" + FileName For Binary As #intFile
Put #intFile, , strReportFile
Close #intFile
Set rptReport = rptAutomation.OpenReport(strDirResultReport + "\" + FileName, 1)
SetAttr strDirResultReport + "\" + FileName, vbNormal
Kill strDirResultReport + "\" + FileName
rptReport.EventInfo.ClosePrintWindowEventEnabled = True
With rptReport.PrintWindowOptions
.CanDrillDown = True
.HasCancelButton = True
.HasCloseButton = True
.HasNavigationControls = True
.HasPrintButton = LView.SelectedItem.SubItems(8) And 2 ^ RPT_RIGHT_PRINT
.Ha***portButton = .HasPrintButton
.HasPrintSetupButton = .HasPrintButton
.HasProgressControls = True
.HasRefreshButton = False
.HasSearchButton = True
.HasZoomControl = True
.HasGroupTree = True
End With
rptReport.Options.ZoomMode = 0 '(0: Full Size,1: PageWidth,2: Whole Page
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Set rptWindow = rptReport.Preview(SelectedRptDesc, , , , , WS_MAXIMIZED).Parent
'rptReport.PrintWindowOptions.HasGroupTree = True
rptWindow.Views(1).ZoomPreviewWindow 100

fraPrgr.Visible = False
MousePointer = vbDefault
Exit Sub
Close #intFile
fraPrgr.Visible = False
MousePointer = vbDefault
Call ProcessError(DEF_RETURN_VALUE, Err.number, CLIENT_ERROR, _
"SBPrint.frmAdhoc.ShowReportFile", Err.Description)
End Sub

