View Full Version : Prosource Việt Nam chia sẻ một số thành ngữ trong tiếng Anh

14-01-2014, 11:12
Chào các bạn, hôm nay Prosource Việt Nam - tiền thân là trung tâm Royal English Academy (REA) xin chia sẻ một số thành ngữ trong tiếng Anh. Thành ngữ sẽ là một công cụ cứu cánh giúp cải thiện IELTS bandscore của bạn một cách đáng kể nhưng bạn cũng hãy cẩn thận với nó vì nó có thể sẽ là con dao hai lưỡi nếu như sử dụng sai đó. Vì vậy, hãy cùng Prosource Việt Nam học một số thành ngữ để sử dụng sao cho hiệu quả nhất nha:

English Idioms relating to

1. Ants in one's pants: People who have ants in their pants are very restless or excited about something
Eg: I wish he'd relax. He's got ants in his pants about something today!

2. Bare your heart (or soul) to someone: If you bare your heart or soul to someone, you reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings to them.
Eg: John couldn't keep things to himself any longer. He decided to bare his soul to his best friend.

3. Bear the brunt (of something): A person who bears the brunt of something is the one who suffers the most when something bad or unpleasant happens.
Eg: When things go wrong, his assistant always has to bear the brunt of his anger.

4. Bent out of shape: If you get bent out of shape, you become very annoyed or upset about something that is usually not that important or cannot be avoided.
Eg: Don't get bent out of shape if you're delayed. We'll wait for you.

5. Beside yourself (with an emotion): If you are beside yourself (with an emotion), you lose your self-control because of the intensity of the emotion you are feeling.
Eg: He was beside himself with grief when he lost his son.

6. Carry the torch: If you carry the torch, you have strong feelings for someone with whom you do not or cannot have a relationship..
Eg: He's been carrying the torch for Julie since their college days, before she married Ted.

7. Wouldn't be caught/seen dead: If someone says that they wouldn't be caught or seen dead in a particular place or doing something, they mean that they would be too ashamed or embarrassed.
Eg: My seven-year-old son thinks he's a big boy; he wouldn't be caught dead holding my hand!

8. Cause a stir: If something causes a stir, it creates an atmosphere of excitementor great interest.
Eg: The arrival of the actress caused quite a stir in the village.

9. Cheesed off: If someone is cheesed off with something, they are annoyed, bored or frustrated.
Eg: Julie is absolutely cheesed off with her job.

10. A chip on your shoulder: If someone has a chip on their shoulder, they feel resentful because they feel they are being treated unfairly, especially because of their background, their *** or their colour.

(To be continued)

16-01-2014, 11:02
Hay quá! Đúng cái mình cần! Cám ơn bạn nhiều nhé!

21-01-2014, 13:36
Prosource Việt Nam xin tiếp tục chia sẻ một số thành ngữ để cả nhà cùng học trong dịp nghỉ tết cho khỏi quên nha:

1. Close to home: If a remark or comment is close to home], it is so true, or it affects you so directly, that you feel uncomfortable.
Eg: Alan looks embarrassed. Bob's comment must have been close to home!

2. Come apart at the seams: To say that someone is coming apart at the seams means that they are extremely upset or under severe mental stress.
Eg: Bob has had so many problems lately, he's coming apart at the seams.

3. Cork something up: If you cork something up (feelings, emotions), you fail to show or express them.
Eg: It would be better for her if she showed her grief and didn't cork up her feelings.

4. Cut to the quick: If you cut someone to the quick, you hurt their feelings or offend them deeply.
Eg: Alan was cut to the quick when Jack expressed doubts about his sincerity.

5. Out of your depth: If you are out of your depth, it means you are in a situation which is too difficult for you, or which you know little about.

6. On the edge of one's seat: Someone who is on the edge of their seat is very interested in something and finds it both extremely exciting and nerve-wracking.
Eg: Look at Bob! He's on the edge of his seat watching that rugby match.

7. Feel on top of the world: If you feel on top of the world, you feel wonderful or ecstatic about something.
Eg: I've been feeling on top of the world since I got the results - I'm qualified!

8. Keep one's feet on the ground: A person who keeps their feet on the ground continues to act in a sensible and practical way, even if they become successful.

9. Fever pitch: If a situation or feeling reaches fever pitch, it becomes very intense and exciting.
Eg: Reaction to the affair has reached fever pitch all over the country.

10. A fish out of water: If you feel like a fish out of water, you feel uncomfortable because of an unfamiliar situation or unfamiliar surroundings.
Eg: As a non-golfer, I felt like a fish out of water at the clubhouse.

11. Freudian slip: This refers to a mistake made by a speaker which is considered to reveal their true thoughts or feelings.
Eg: So you got the job - I'm so sad - sorry, I mean glad!

(To be continued)

20-02-2014, 11:23
Prosource Việt Nam sẽ tiếp tục chia sẻ các thành ngữ về chủ đề "FEELINGS - EMOTIONS – REACTIONS" để mọi người cùng tham khảo nha!

1. Head over heels in love: When a person falls passionately in love with another, they are said to be head over heels in love.
Eg: Tony's only interest at the moment is Maria. He's head over heels in love with her!

2. Change of heart: If someone has a change of heart, they change their attitude or feelings, especially towards greater friendliness or cooperation.
Eg: He was against charity, but he had a change of heart when he saw the plight of the homeless.

3. Couldn't give a hoot!: To say that you don't or couldn't give a hoot[/COLOR], means that you don't care at all about something.
Eg: She wears eccentric clothes but she's couldn't give a hoot about what others think.

4. Hope against hope: If you hope against hope, you continue to hope even when the situation looks bad
Eg: The whole building was destroyed by fire. John's parents are hoping against hope that he escaped in time.

5. Hot under the collar: If you get hot under the collar, you feel annoyed, indignant or embarrassed.
Eg: If anyone criticizes his proposals, Joe immediately gets hot under the collar.

6. In the heat of the moment: If you say or do something in the heat of the moment,you say or do it without pausing to think, at a time when you are experiencing unusually strong emotions such as anger, excitement, etc.
Eg: I was so angry that in the heat of the moment I said things that I regretted later.

24-02-2014, 19:11
You must be interested in tips to improve IELTS band scores, so why not try our IELTS competition? You can win 2 self-study textbooks from Harper Collins. Hurry because you only have 48 hours left to enter the competition.

IELTS Speaking PART 3: The Discussion

In part 3 you have 4 to 5 minutes to discuss the topic from part 2 in more detail. This part is designed to stretch you as far as possible to see just how good you really are. The examiner has a couple of related sub-topics and question ideas but adapts the questions to you. This means that if you are a low level you will get easier questions but if you are band 8 then you will start with quite difficult ones which get even more difficult. By difficult I mean the ideas, the question and the language you need to use to answer them.


1. What effect has the internet had on the way people generally communicate with each other?
2. And what about information on the internet, how reliable to do you think that information from the internet is?
3. What about news on the internet, is that reliable?
4. Why do you think that some people prefer to use the internet for shopping?
5. Why doesn’t everyone use the internet for shopping?
6. Are there any kinds of products that are easier to buy and sell online?
7. Is there anything that’s not suitable to sell or buy online that, any kinds of things that are not appropriate?
8. What about supermarket shopping, do you think that’s a good idea?
9. Do you think shopping on the internet will be more or less popular in the future and why?

General Tips for IELTS Speaking part 3

Try to give longer answers than in part 1 and explain what you mean with examples.

If you don’t understand a question ask the examiner to repeat it or to explain it in a more simple way.

Listen to the type of question you are asked and answer it appropriately, don’t always say “yes…” because it probably won’t be a Yes/No question in this part.

Avoid giving personal information and examples, this should be an abstract discussion.


Here are some sample questions for part 3 of the speaking test with differences structures to help you answer them.

Q1: And what about information on the internet, how reliable to do you think that information from the internet is?

Well, in my honest opinion
Well, to be honest
Well, frankly
I have to say that
I’m of the opinion that
it’s my opinion that
the vast majority of information on the web
some of the information found on the web
a very small percentage of information taken from the web
is completely reliable
is particularly unreliable
lacks any reliability
For example, just look at
Take X as an example,
X is a case in point,

Q2: If we move on to talk about the internet and shopping. Why do you think that some people prefer to use the internet for shopping?

There are many reasons but the main one is that
It’s quite simple,
I’m not really sure but I guess that
shopping online saves time and money
you can find far more online than in any shops
there’s so much choice and you don’t need to travel anywhere
Not to mention that
What’s more
And we shouldn’t forget that
not everyone lives nearby big chain stores.
people do everything else online so why not their shopping too?
lots of shops actually encourage online shopping as it cuts their costs.

Q3: Is there anything that’s not suitable to sell or buy online, any kinds of things that are not appropriate

I’d have to say that
I’m convinced that
I tend to think that
X is/are particularly unsuitable for sale and purchase via the internet
X should not be sold online
we should be able to buy and sell everything online
because first of all…secondly…
because we all know that..

Student’s IELTS strengths

She is willing and confident enough to tackle each question and really seems to want to speak.
She manages to answer every question and gives quite detailed answers.
She uses a variety of phrases for giving her opinion.
She rarely pauses or has to think of what to say.
She uses some good vocabulary and attempts to use varied grammar.
Her pronunciation is understandable even though she has noticeable accent.

Some tips to improve IELTS Speaking

She should work on her sentence construction and general grammar with a native speaker.
She needs to use varied tenses, structures and phrases to give answers.
She must learn more vocabulary to help her express herself and talk in-depth about lots of topics.
More pronunciation work like learning and practising ‘th’, word stress and the rhythm of English.
Some idioms and phrasal verbs would help her get a higher band so she could try learning a few about typical IELTS topics.

25-02-2014, 10:23
em thích học lắm nhưng ko có thời gian đánh dấu để đây khi nào rãnh rỗi nhăm nhi vài câu cũng được.

28-02-2014, 20:14
Tiếp tục cùng Prosource Việt Nam tìm hiểu một số thành ngữ thú vị trong tiếng Anh để tăng bandscore của mình nào mọi người:

1. big fish in a small pond
- an important person in a small place
Eg: The man was not so important in the city but in the small town he was a big fish in a small pond.

2. blue around the gills
- to be looking sick
Eg: I was looking blue around the gills during my illness.

3. cold fish
- a person who is unfriendly or does not mix with others
Eg: The man is a cold fish and he has very few friends.

4. drink like a fish
- to drink alcohol to excessive amounts
Eg:The man drank like a fish at the party and he had to go home by taxi.

5. a fine kettle of fish
- a situation that is not satisfactory, a mess
Eg: This is a fine kettle of fish. I am going to be late for the meeting.

6. fish for a compliment
- to try to get someone to say something nice about you
Eg: The man is fishing for a compliment about his new Italian suit.

7. fish for (something)
- to try to get information from someone
Eg: The lawyer was fishing for information from the woman.

8. fish in troubled waters
- to involve oneself in a difficult or confused or dangerous situation in order to get something
Eg: The woman was fishing in troubled waters when she began to ask questions about the crime.

9. fish or cut bait
- to either do what you are supposed to do or quit and let someone else do it
Eg: It was time to fish or cut bait so I decided to let someone else handle the problem.

10. a fish out of water
- someone who does not fit in, an uncomfortable or awkward feeling
Eg: The woman felt like a fish out of water when she went to the party in her formal dress while everyone else was wearing jeans.

11. fishy
- to be suspicious or unlikely
Eg: Something is fishy with these numbers. There are too many people on this list.

(To be continued)

03-03-2014, 17:57
Khởi động tuần mới với một số thành ngữ thú vị trong tiếng Anh cùng Prosource Việt Nam nào mọi người :D

1. go on a fishing expedition
- to attempt to discover information
Eg: The lawyer went on a fishing expedition to try and discover the facts of the case.

2. green around the gills
- to be looking sick
Eg: The girl looked green around the gills when she left the nurse’s office.

3. have other/bigger fish to fry
- to have other more important things to do, to have other opportunities
Eg: I have other fish to fry and I do not plan to spend any more time talking about my friend’s problems.

4. Holy mackeral!
- an expression used to express a strong feeling of surprise
Eg: Holy mackeral! Look at the size of that motorcycle.

5. like shooting fish in a barrel
- one side in a competition is so weak that they have no chance of winning
Eg: The contest was like shooting fish in a barrel. It was very easy to win.

6. live in a fish bowl
- to live where many people know about your life and personal business
Eg: The small town was like living in a fish bowl. Everybody knew what I was doing.

7. neither fish nor fowl
- something that does not belong to a definite group or category
Eg: I do not know what you should call the strange food. It is neither fish nor fowl.

8. packed in like sardines
- packed very tightly, very crowded
Eg: We were packed in like sardines during the morning commute in the train.

9. pale around the gills
- to be looking sick
Eg: The man looked pale around the gills when he left the boat.

10. red herring
- some information or a suggestion that is used to draw attention away from the real facts of a situation (orginally used as a strong fish smell from a smoked fish that was used to confuse hunting dogs when they were hunting and following something)
Eg: The tax issue was a red herring and it is not what the news reporters wanted the government to talk about.

11. a shark
- a ruthless or dishonest person
Eg: The salesman is a shark. Don’t do business with him.

12. small fry
- unimportant people, children (small fry are young newly-hatched fish)
Eg: The police were only able to catch some of the small fry in the organized crime gang.

13. there are plenty of other fish in the sea
- there are other choices, there are other people to choose from
Eg: There are plenty of other fish in the sea and when my sister lost her boyfriend she did not worry too much.

06-03-2014, 11:05
Prosource Việt Nam xin chia sẻ một số cấu trúc đặc biệt trong tiếng Anh giúp bạn tăng điểm trong phần thi IELTS Speaking và Writing. Mọi người cùng tham khảo nha!

1. Cấu trúc “thế là, cuối cùng là….” : then come/ comes

trong giao tiếp ta thường lồng thêm từ “thế là” để diễn tả quan hệ nguyên nhân kết quả.trong tiếng anh sau thành ngữ này thường cộng một động từ V-ing và có cấu trúc cụ thể là:

then come/comes + V-ing + as + clause

Eg: than come dying as it is so weak – thế là chết vì nó quá yếu.

2.Cấu trúc: it is no + tính từ so sánh hơn + than +V-ing- sự thật không gì hơn làm việc đó.

Eg: for me, it is no more difficult than saying ” i love you”- đối với tôi, sự thật là không gì khó khăn hơn là nói “anh yêu em”
Eg: it is no more delicious than eating rice – sự thật là không gì ngon hơn ăn cơm.

* chú ý: bạn đừng quên đối với tính từ ngắn ta không sử dụng more mà thêm đuôi -er vào ngay sau tính từ đó:

Eg: :for me, it is no smaller than ant- theo tôi sự thực là không gì nhỏ hơn con kiến.

3.cấu trúc: S+ love/wish/like+ nothing more than tobe + adj/ Vp2 – không mong ước gì hơn là được….

Eg: we wish nothing more than tobe peaceful- chúng tôi không mong ước gì hơn là được hòa bình.
we love nothing more than tobe equally respected – chúng tôi không mong ước gì hơn là được đối xử công bằng.

4.Cấu trúc: N+is what something + is all about- nói về mục đich chính của môt vấn đề nào đó

Eg: entertainment is what football is all about- bóng đá cốt để giải trí.

5. Cấu trúc với point:
point là một từ có cấu trúc khá phức tạp đi với nhiều giới từ :

* point at : chỉ thẳng vào ai đó

Eg: you shouldn’t point at other people considered rule and impolite- bạn không nên chỉ thẳng vào mặt người khác điều đó được coi là thô lỗ và bất lịch sự.

*point up : nhấn mạnh điều gì đó.

*point of view : quan điểm

*be on/at the point of: sắp sửa, trên bờ vực
Eg: i am on the point of buying a car- tôi sắp sửa mua một chiếc ô tô.

6. Sử dụng thành ngữ: i dare say- có lẽ, có thể , chắc là

Eg: i go to school late, but i dare say i won’t be punished- tôi đi học muộn nhưng có lẽ sẽ không bị phạt.

(vì đây là thành ngữ cho nên ta sẽ không dược thay ngôi của nó chẳng hạn như thay bằng “she dares say”.

7. cấu trúc : Could/ may / might +have +Vp2- có lẽ đã…. để chỉ những suy đoán trong quá khứ có thể đã xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng người nói không dám chắc.

Eg: it may have rained last night, but i am not sure. – trời có thể mưa tối hôm qua nhưng tôi không dám chắc.
he could have forgotten the ticket for the concert last night – anh ấy có thể quên vé ở buổi hòa nhạc tối hôm qua.

8. Cấu trúc: should + have + Vp2 – lẽ ra phải , lẽ ra nên
Chỉ một suy đoán trong quá khứ lẽ ra phải xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng vì một lí do nào đó mà không xảy ra

Eg: john should have gone to the post office this morning – john nên đi tới bưu điện vào sáng nay( nhưng thực chất thì anh ấy không hề đến bưu điện)

9. Must have +Vp2 – chắc hẳn đã, hẳn là đã….chỉ một kết luận khi người nói có căn cứ mà căn cứ đó xảy ra ở quá khứ , chẳng hạn như hôm nay tôi thấy cỏ bị ướt dựa vào đó tôi suy đoán tối qua trời đã mưa

Eg: the grass is wet, it must have rained last night
jane did very well on the exam , she must have studied hard- jane đã làm bài kiểm tra tốt ,cô ấy chắc hẳn đã học rất chăm chỉ.

10.Cấu trúc: there is nothing +S +can do but + Vnguyên thể – chẳng biết làm gì hơn là đành phải....

Eg: there is nothing they can do but walk on foot. – họ chẳng biêt làm gì hơn là đi bộ

10-03-2014, 18:38
Mọi người tiếp tục ủng hộ Prosource Việt Nam nha!

13-03-2014, 11:02
Mọi người cùng học với Prosource Việt Nam qua page facebook Hành trình chinh phục IELTS 8.5 nha. Sẽ hứa hẹn nhiều kiến thức bổ ích đó.

22-03-2014, 17:22
Hôm nay Prosource tiếp tục chia sẻ cho các bạn những idioms có thể sử dụng để tăng bandscore nha ^^

7. neither fish nor fowl
- something that does not belong to a definite group or category
Eg: I do not know what you should call the strange food. It is neither fish nor fowl.

8. packed in like sardines
- packed very tightly, very crowded
Eg: We were packed in like sardines during the morning commute in the train.

9. pale around the gills
- to be looking sick
Eg: The man looked pale around the gills when he left the boat.

10. red herring
- some information or a suggestion that is used to draw attention away from the real facts of a situation (orginally used as a strong fish smell from a smoked fish that was used to confuse hunting dogs when they were hunting and following something)
Eg: The tax issue was a red herring and it is not what the news reporters wanted the government to talk about.

11. a shark
- a ruthless or dishonest person
Eg: The salesman is a shark. Don’t do business with him.

12. small fry
- unimportant people, children (small fry are young newly-hatched fish)
Eg: The police were only able to catch some of the small fry in the organized crime gang.

13. there are plenty of other fish in the sea
- there are other choices, there are other people to choose from
Eg: There are plenty of other fish in the sea and when my sister lost her boyfriend she did not worry too much.

(to be continued)

24-03-2014, 18:28
Hôm nay, Prosource Việt Nam xin tiếp tục chia sẻ một số thành ngữ thú vị trong tiếng Anh cùng với ý nghĩa và nguồn gốc của nó. Thành ngữ là công cụ rất hữu ích cho bài thi IELTS đó. Mọi người cùng tham khảo nha!

Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Meaning: You love a person more when they are away.
Origin: This line was first read in Davison’s ‘Poetical Rhapsody’ in 1602.

Brand spanking new
Meaning: A new or unused object.
Origin: This idiom originates from doctors spanking a newborn baby to make it cry to start breathing.

Break a leg
Meaning: To wish good luck.
Origin: This idiom has its origins in a superstition about believing in Sprites. Sprites are the spirits of ghosts, who were known to create a havoc. Thus asking someone to ‘break a leg’ meant fighting the spirits.

The cat bird seat
Meaning: To be at a vantage point.
Origin: Mocking birds are known as cat birds who usually sit on the tree top to get a broad view.

Clear as bell
Meaning: To be understood clearly.
Origin: The bells, like the ones used in churches have a loud and clear sound which can be heard over a great distance. Thus, the idiom originates from the clear and single note sound of the church bell.

Cold Turkey
Meaning: To quit something abruptly and experience severe withdrawal symptoms.
Origin: When one quits something abruptly, the skin resembles the pale blue color of a dead turkey.

Get up on the wrong side of the bed
Meaning: To start the day on a less happy note.
Origin: This phrase owes its origin to a popular belief in the Roman times. It is believed that in those times, getting up on the left side of the bed was considered to bring bad luck.

At the end of my tether
Meaning: To reach the end of your patience or endurance.
Origin: This phrase originates from the fact that a tether rope is tied to grazing animals with one end around their neck and the other to the ground. This is done to prevent them from wandering away into the wild.

Apple of my eye
Meaning: An object of affection, which is valued above everything else.
Origin: This idiom has Biblical origins. It finds a mention in Deuteronomy 32:10: “He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye”.

Go back to the drawing board
Meaning: To start the venture from scratch.
Origin: This phrase originates from the actual need of architects, designers, draftsmen, and each and every person who plans and needs a space to do so. The space here is essentially a drawing board. This use of this phrase increased after the World War II.

I’ll take a rain check
Meaning: It is a polite way of turning down a proposal or an invitation, and to promise that the same will be fulfilled at another time.
Origin: This phrase owes its origin to the fact that not many people like doing things when it is raining.

Bone of contention
Meaning: A topic which remains a dispute for discussion amongst parties.
Origin: The Oxford English Dictionary states that this phrase was coined back in the 1500s. It was seen in the sentence, “The diuell hath cast a bone to set stryfe betweene you”. It could refer to two dogs fighting over the same bone.

Kick the bucket
Meaning: To die.
Origin: The idiom is derived from the twitching slaughtered pig which is hung on the bucket bar. Sometimes, the slaughtered pig develops muscle spasms and the twitching appears as kicking the bucket bar.